紙膠帶文創市場商機及行銷策略之探討 -以日本與台灣品牌個案研究為例

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本研究針對紙膠帶產業進行探討-以日本和台灣紙膠帶工廠為例,並以紙膠帶消費者和紙膠帶設計師及通路商為研究對象,進行對文創商品認知、紙膠帶設計與購買意願之關聯性分析,期望研究結果,能提供給傳統膠帶業者經營管理與行銷策略之參考。 本研究針對消費者進行問卷抽樣調查。有90%的消費者對紙膠帶的品牌並沒有特別的偏好,對紙膠帶的挑選要素為設計花色。消費者每次會花50-100元購買紙膠帶。推出折扣促銷活動時,會增進消費者購買紙膠帶的意願。在問卷中並發現消費者會如何使用紙膠帶排名第一為黏貼用途,排名第二為DIY小物,排名第三為美術作品。 日本文創商品品項多元,尤其紙膠帶市場,發展經驗及行銷都極具參考性。希望藉以研究並借鏡交流,未來能提升台灣紙膠帶市場效益,豐富文創商品潮流。 因為文化背景不同,日本家庭從小培養的習慣和女性結婚後深入家庭,購買紙膠帶的動機主要是由於他們內心的需求使用紙膠帶進行拼貼和部置居家,從購買紙膠帶到使用過程,都受到從小環境極大影響,以至於日本紙膠帶文創市場蓬勃發展。 本文以日本暨台灣品牌個案研究為例,探討紙膠帶文創市場商機及行銷策略。並提供台灣工業膠帶產業進行紙膠帶部門之開發。
The study focused on paper tape industry - Japan and Taiwan as examples whose consumers, designers and distributors as research objects aware of cultural and creative products, paper tape design and purchase intention, expected to benefit the traditional tape industry in marketing and management strategies’ decision making. 90% of respondents in the research do not have specific brand preference but concern design color most. Consumers spend NTD 50-100 per transaction. Discounting promotions drive consuming intention obviously, while the top factor to use paper tape is pasting, then DIY and fine art followed. Diversified Japan cultural products inspire the paper tape market whose highly valued insight can boost Taiwan market’s future . Hot creative tape industry in Japan is accompanied with its unique social culture that influence female house keepers to decorate a delighted house environment encouraged mentally and physically. The study exploring creative tape industry’s business opportunity and marketing strategy from Japan and Taiwan’s cases digs out creative insights for traditional Taiwan tape companies’ transformation in new product development.



文化創意產業, 文創商品, 紙膠帶, 行銷通路, 產業轉型, cultural and creative industries, cultural and creative goods, paper tape, marketing channels, industrial transformation

