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2001年教育部為了讓高中配合國中九年一貫教育政策的實施,聘請張元擔任高中歷史課綱召集人,修訂新的歷史課程綱要,為了讓學生藉由學習來更進一步了解生活的土地,決議將臺灣史單獨成冊並置於高一上學期教授,以及明代1500年後的歷史置於世界史。但課綱草案公布後,遭到吳展良、王壽南、王曉波等以課綱為「一邊一國」史觀、去中國化、課綱小組成員選聘不公,以及杜正勝同心圓理論影響課綱修訂等為由提出質疑, 使得課綱爭議政治化,最後課綱被迫暫緩實施,召集人張元也在聘期到後決定不再續任,使得教育部改聘原本為課綱小組成員的周樑楷擔任召集人,繼續把課綱修訂完成。之後為了要補足95歷史暫綱的不足,政府於2006年再次召開課綱小組修訂新課綱,經過多次討論後,於2008年1月24日發布,並訂於98學年度高一第一學期開始施行。 即將完成的新課綱中,歷史、國文兩科卻在2008年遭到國民黨政府強制擱置,重組課綱小組修訂課綱,過程中會議進度落後,在三次更換召集人後,才於2012年完成修訂,預定於2013年實施。2013年,政府以「錯字勘誤、內容補正及符合憲法之檢核」為由,組成史無前例的檢核小組,除了檢核教科書內容外,甚至組織微調小組,直接修改原先審查通過的101歷史課綱,引發各界質疑檢核小組的組成依據、權限、運作程序,以及微調內容的正確性。
In 2001 , in order to let high school cooperate with the implementation of nine-year coherent education policy , Ministry of Education invited professor Zhang Yuan as a high school history curriculum guideline convener to revise new history curriculum guideline . In order to allow students to learn more about the place where they live. New history curriculum guideline separate Taiwan’s history into a book and teach in the first semester. And also try to combine the history of 1500 years after the Ming Dynasty with world history . However after the announcement of the curriculum guideline , Wu Zhanliang, Wang Shounan, Wang Xiaobo questioned that curriculum guideline set the historical view of "one country on each side" , the legitimacy of the curriculum group and also question that curriculum guideline had a specific political orientation . At the last , curriculum guideline was forced to stop and professor Zhang Yuan decided not to continue to serve as curriculum guideline convener after the expiration date . So Ministry of Education invited Chou Liangkai as curriculum guideline convener who was the member of the previous curriculum guideline’s group to finish the curriculum guideline . By 2006 , in order to revise old History Curriculum Guideline, government organize a curriculum guideline group to formulate the new curriculum guideline . However , the upcoming curriculum guideline of History and Chinese were forced to shelve in 2008 by Kuomintang government . And then Kuomintang government re-organized curriculum group to revise “2010 High School History Curriculum Guideline” . The progress of the conference lagged far behind . After the convener was changed three times , the new curriculum guideline was completed in 2012 which we called “2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline” . By 2013 , the government said the erroneous words in “2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline” need to be corrected . Government organized an unprecedented team to inspect and minor adjust the “2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline” . This behavior aroused public question about this unprecedented team’s behavior , constitution was legal or not . In this paper , writer attempts to summarize master’s and doctoral dissertations , government documents , and books about “2006 High School History Curriculum Guideline dispute” and “Minor Adjustment in 2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline dispute” in recent years . And visit the members of the curriculum guideline group to compared with newspapers , social commentary , master’s and doctoral dissertations to clarify the fact . In end try to find the reason behind Taiwan’s History Curriculum Guideline dispute so as to promote the research on related issues .
In 2001 , in order to let high school cooperate with the implementation of nine-year coherent education policy , Ministry of Education invited professor Zhang Yuan as a high school history curriculum guideline convener to revise new history curriculum guideline . In order to allow students to learn more about the place where they live. New history curriculum guideline separate Taiwan’s history into a book and teach in the first semester. And also try to combine the history of 1500 years after the Ming Dynasty with world history . However after the announcement of the curriculum guideline , Wu Zhanliang, Wang Shounan, Wang Xiaobo questioned that curriculum guideline set the historical view of "one country on each side" , the legitimacy of the curriculum group and also question that curriculum guideline had a specific political orientation . At the last , curriculum guideline was forced to stop and professor Zhang Yuan decided not to continue to serve as curriculum guideline convener after the expiration date . So Ministry of Education invited Chou Liangkai as curriculum guideline convener who was the member of the previous curriculum guideline’s group to finish the curriculum guideline . By 2006 , in order to revise old History Curriculum Guideline, government organize a curriculum guideline group to formulate the new curriculum guideline . However , the upcoming curriculum guideline of History and Chinese were forced to shelve in 2008 by Kuomintang government . And then Kuomintang government re-organized curriculum group to revise “2010 High School History Curriculum Guideline” . The progress of the conference lagged far behind . After the convener was changed three times , the new curriculum guideline was completed in 2012 which we called “2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline” . By 2013 , the government said the erroneous words in “2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline” need to be corrected . Government organized an unprecedented team to inspect and minor adjust the “2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline” . This behavior aroused public question about this unprecedented team’s behavior , constitution was legal or not . In this paper , writer attempts to summarize master’s and doctoral dissertations , government documents , and books about “2006 High School History Curriculum Guideline dispute” and “Minor Adjustment in 2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline dispute” in recent years . And visit the members of the curriculum guideline group to compared with newspapers , social commentary , master’s and doctoral dissertations to clarify the fact . In end try to find the reason behind Taiwan’s History Curriculum Guideline dispute so as to promote the research on related issues .
張元, 杜正勝, 王曉波, 95歷史暫綱, 課綱微調, 檢核小組, Zhang Yuan, Du Zhengsheng, Wang Xiaobo, The Dispute of "2006High School History Curriculum Guideline", Minor adjust the“2013 High School History Curriculum Guideline”