
dc.contributorBey-lih, Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorI-Ju, Chiuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要以問卷調查法了解桃園縣高中職普通班教師對特殊需求學生進行評量調整之態度、實施現況與遭遇的困難,並比較不同背景變項(教導特殊生的年資、特殊教育專業背景、任教領域、任教學制及學校性質)教師在態度與實施現況的差異。研究對象為246位教師,研究工具為研究者自編之「桃園縣高中職普通班教師對特殊需求學生進行評量調整之態度與實施現況問卷」。態度分為「認知」、「情意」與「行動」三個向度,實施現況分為「時間安排」、「內容呈現方式」、「情境安排」、「使用輔助器具」及「作答(或寫作業)反應方式」五個向度。資料分析採次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Schffé事後比較,並將問卷填答意見及深入訪談資料進行編碼整理。研究結論歸納如下: 一、 整體而言,普通班教師對評量調整具正向的態度,而在「認知」與「行動」、「情意」與「行動」的比較皆達到顯著差異,顯示普通班教師認同評量調整的概念和價值觀,但執行調整的意願相對較低。 二、 曾參與特教相關研習或學分課程的教師對於評量調整的態度顯著優於未曾參與特教相關研習或學分課程的教師。 三、 任教非學科考試領域之教師對評量調整的態度顯著優於任教跨兩個領域以上之教師。 四、 私立學校之教師對於評量調整執行意願顯著優於公立學校之教師。 五、 普通班教師最常實施的調整向度為「時間安排」,其中最常使用的方法為「延長繳交作業的時間」,最少實施的調整向度是「使用輔助器具」。 六、 不同「教導特殊需求學生的年資」、「特殊教育專業背景」、「任教領域」、「任教學制」和「學校性質」之教師在實施評量調整方法上有不同的選擇。 七、 普通班教師遭遇的困難主要顯現在「學校支持系統」、「教師課務、業務問題」和「學生本身的學習程度、意願與態度」三個面向上。 關鍵字:普通班教師、特殊需求學生、評量調整zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to investigate the current implementation and the attitude to assessment accommodations for students with special needs among general education teachers of senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taoyuan County, along with the difficulties they encountered. Five background variables (experiences of teaching students with special needs, professional background in special education, field of teaching, educational settings, and features of the school) were compared in terms of the current implementation and the attitude to assessment accommodations. A total of 246 teachers participated in this study. They were given a questionnaire by the researcher and had 9 teachers interviewed. The questionnaire was designed to investigate two major variables: the attitude (cognition, affect, and action) and the current implementation (timing/scheduling, presentation, setting, assistive device, and response). Descriptive results included frequency distribution, means, and percentages. Data from questionnaire were analyzed with independent t-test, One-way ANOVA analysis, and the Scheffé test. Besides, the general education teacher’s opinions collected from the questionnaire and the interview were coded for further analysis. The results of this study led to a number of findings. First, the attitude to assessment accommodations among general education teachers revealed positive. And significant differences were found not only among cognition and action but also among affect and action. It showed that general education teachers can identify the concept and value to assessment accommodations, but the implementation to assessment accommodations was relatively lower. Second, the attitude to assessment accommodations among general education teachers who attended special education course was significantly better than who didn’t attend special education course. Third, the attitude to assessment accommodations among general education teachers who taught non-academic subjects was significantly better than who taught across two or more subjects. Fourth, the attitude to assessment accommodations among private school teachers was better than that of public school teachers. Fifth, the most frequently adopted accommodation was timing/scheduling while the least frequently adopted one was assistive device. Postponing the deadline of handing in assignments was the mostly adopted method. Sixth, teachers with different background variables chose various assessment accommodations. Seventh, the major difficulties they encountered were (a) school support system, (b) teachers’ workload, and (c) students’ proficiency, willingness, and attitude toward learning.en_US
dc.subjectgeneral education teachersen_US
dc.subjectstudents with special needsen_US
dc.subjectassessment accommodationen_US
dc.titleThe Survey of Current Implementation and Attitude to Assessment Accommodations for Students with Special Needs among General Education Teachers of Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Taoyuan Countyen_US


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