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隨著各國對於科學推理和探究的重視,包括國內的九年一貫課綱,及美國國家科學教育標準,皆強調協助學生進行科學探究的重要性,因此相關能力的評量發展更顯急迫。而電腦化評量有助於技能的評測,尤其電腦設備在學校日漸普遍,電腦與實作評量或複雜解題任務的結合,可望減低過去動手做實作評量的耗時費力,並能適當地排除設備器材、施測流程、和其他情境因素的干擾。然而過去線上評量相關研究偏重於系統建置和效能評估,少見後續較大規模的施測,而且國內大多數科學教師對於線上評量可能還很陌生,教師對於此類評量的態度和觀感為何,也值得進一步探討。因此,本計畫為一項三年期整合計畫之總計畫,將針對探究過程中的四項能力:提問、計畫、實驗、和解釋,研發以模擬為導向的線上評量系統,並應用試題反應理論(Item Response Theory)建立中學生探究能力量尺,希望藉由跨年級(八年級和高中二年級)比較了解台灣北部中學生的探究能力發展情況。第一年順利達成預期的三項目標,包括:(1)精緻化提問、計畫、分析、和解釋能力的評量架構;(2)建置以模擬為導向的探究能力評量系統;(3)以質性晤談方式,探討中學科學教師對線上評量的信念與態度。
Inquiry learning plays a central role in current reforms in science education. Asking questions, planning investigations, analyzing data, and explaining results have been identified as essential skills of classroom inquiry. It is crucial to develop appropriate assessments that would measure these skills and provide information needed by students, teachers, parents, and researchers to improve science teaching and learning. Paper-and-pencil assessments often fail to allow students to demonstrate these skills and computer technologies offer numerous advantages over traditional assessment formats. Interactive and manipulative questions in computer-based assessments provide possibilities for students to engage in complex, real world tasks. Thus, this three-year project, as the main one of an integrated project, aims at designing an online system of simulation-based assessments to evaluate students‘ inquiry skills and to apply the item response theory for scaling students‘ inquiry skills. In the first year, we accomplished the following goals: (1) developing an assessment framework for asking, planning, analyzing, and explaining skills; (2) designing an online simulation-based assessment system; (3) using interviews to examine secondary science teachers‘ beliefs about computer-based assessments.
Inquiry learning plays a central role in current reforms in science education. Asking questions, planning investigations, analyzing data, and explaining results have been identified as essential skills of classroom inquiry. It is crucial to develop appropriate assessments that would measure these skills and provide information needed by students, teachers, parents, and researchers to improve science teaching and learning. Paper-and-pencil assessments often fail to allow students to demonstrate these skills and computer technologies offer numerous advantages over traditional assessment formats. Interactive and manipulative questions in computer-based assessments provide possibilities for students to engage in complex, real world tasks. Thus, this three-year project, as the main one of an integrated project, aims at designing an online system of simulation-based assessments to evaluate students‘ inquiry skills and to apply the item response theory for scaling students‘ inquiry skills. In the first year, we accomplished the following goals: (1) developing an assessment framework for asking, planning, analyzing, and explaining skills; (2) designing an online simulation-based assessment system; (3) using interviews to examine secondary science teachers‘ beliefs about computer-based assessments.