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本研究的目的在探討社經地位不利優秀學生才能發展軌跡。透過社經地位不利優秀學生的生命故事,探討其才能的發展歷程。本研究共有二十五位研究參與者,以研究者參與中華資優教育學會與摩根士丹利公司共同辦理的惜才育英計畫進行研究。本研究採用敘述訪談法進行資料蒐集,並反覆閱讀後進行分析與歸納,以了解其才能發展歷程、家庭環境及教育歷程。本研究由兩大部分呈現研究結果。第一部分描述不同研究參與者的才能發展故事,並據以描繪成才能發展軌跡,包括其在教育歷程的事件及生命歷程的事件。第二部分以才能發展理論及才能發展層次為基礎,進行跨個案的分析與討論,研究發現如下:一、 本研究社經地位不利優秀學生早年展現能力,且具有早熟的自我信念。二、 研究參與者其原生家庭資源匱乏,也使得社經地位不利優秀學生的才能發展因而受限。三、 心理社會技能是社經地位不利優秀學生才能發展的關鍵,而心理社會技能是逐漸累積與習得的。四、 因家庭資源匱乏,學校師長對社經地位不利優秀學生有重大影響。五、 校外學習機會拓展社經地位不利優秀學生的視野,開展更多的學習機會。最後,研究者提出以下建議:積極發掘與輔導社經地位不利資優學生;關注社經地位不利學生的心理與情意需求;強化學校的支持系統與長期追蹤輔導機制;持續進行社經地位不利優秀學生的長期追蹤研究;對來自貧窮家庭環境的優秀學生的關注;來自社經地位不利家庭的優秀學生亟需社會資源的挹注。
The purpose of this study aims to investigate the talent developmental trajectory of superior students with unfavorable socioeconomic status, investigating the development of talent through the life stories of disadvantaged students. A total of 25 participants in this study participated in the Chinese Society for Gifted Education and Morgan Stanley’s Bright Minds Program. Narrative interview method was administered in this study to collect data, by analyzing and summarizing them after repeated reading, so as to understand their talent development process, family environment and education process.The results of this study are presented by two parts. The first part describes the talent development stories of different participants and describes the talent development tracks, including the events in their education and life course. In the second part, based on talent development theory and talent development level, cross-case analysis and discussion are carried out. The research findings are as follows: 1. The gifted students in this study are disadvantaged in social and economic statusbut shown their abilities in early life and precocious self-belief.2. The lack of resources in the original family of the participants also made the gifted students with unfavorable socioeconomic status feel inferior to others. Although the original family was lack of resources or suffered from blows, they still cared most about their original family. 3. Psychosocial skills are key to the development of disadvantaged students, and psychosocial skills can be taught. 4. Due to the lack of family resources, the school teachers have a significant influence on gifted students with disadvantaged social and economic status.5. Off-campus learning opportunities expand the horizons of outstanding students with disadvantaged socioeconomic status and develop more learning opportunities.Finally, the researchers propose the following suggestions: pay attention to the psychological and affective needs of disadvantaged students; Strengthen the school support system and long-term tracking guidance mechanism; Continue to carry out long-term follow-up research on superior students with disadvantaged socio-economic status; A focus on high-achieving students from poor backgrounds; Social resources are urgently needed.



社經地位不利, 才能發展, 才能發展軌跡, 惜才育英計畫, socio-economically disadvantaged, talent development, talent developmental trajectory, Bright Mind Project





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