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本研究主要的目的在探討臺北縣市國民中學關係行銷之現況、困境與因應措施,最後根據研究結果,對相關學校教育人員提出具體建議。為達前述研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法與訪談法進行研究,首先蒐集與探究相關文獻,其次依據文獻所得,編製「臺北縣市國民中學關係行銷現況調查問卷」以及臺北縣市國民中學關係行銷困境與因應措施訪談大綱作為研究工具。本實徵研究係以臺北縣市公立國民中學學校教育人員為研究母體進行抽樣,總計抽取60所國民中學,共發出818份問卷,回收593份,整體回收率為72.5%,剔除無效問卷後,整體可用率為70.9%。問卷處理採SPSS for Windows 17.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。
The main purposes of this study are to investigate the fact, difficulties and strategies of relationship marketing in junior high schools of Taipei city and Taipei country; and based on the results of the study, to provide suggestions for educational authorities and schools. The methods adopted for the research was questionnaire survey and interview. First, based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named “The questionnaire for current operating status of relationship marketing in junior high schools” was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to principals and the teachers of 60 public junior high schools in Taipei city and Taipei country. 593 of the 818 questionnaires sent out were effective. Second, four principals of junior high schools were chosen to be interviewed in the way of semi-structure. The conclusions derived from the literature review, the questionnaire survey and the interview are as follows: 1.The current operating situation of relationship marketing in junior high schools is well. 2.About the usage of relationship marketing strategies in junior high schools, “to be aware and understand” is the best used strategy. 3.The principals have higher awareness of relationship marketing operating then the others. The principals are the main leaders of relationship marketing in junior high schools. 4.Master degreed teachers, older and longer teaching experience teachers and teachers in urban district have higher awareness of relationship marketing operating in junior high schools. 5.There is no aware difference between the members from different sex, school years and school size. 6.Junior high schools in the suburb have different operating difficulties from the schools in other areas. 7.The objects of relationship marketing in junior high schools are student guardians and community populace. 8.The reasons of causing the difficulties of relationship marketing in junior high schools are student guardians, community populace, media staffs and alumnus. 9.The measures of relationship marketing in junior high schools match to relationship marketing strategies. The conclusions of the study will be reference for junior high schools, the principals and the future researchers.
The main purposes of this study are to investigate the fact, difficulties and strategies of relationship marketing in junior high schools of Taipei city and Taipei country; and based on the results of the study, to provide suggestions for educational authorities and schools. The methods adopted for the research was questionnaire survey and interview. First, based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named “The questionnaire for current operating status of relationship marketing in junior high schools” was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to principals and the teachers of 60 public junior high schools in Taipei city and Taipei country. 593 of the 818 questionnaires sent out were effective. Second, four principals of junior high schools were chosen to be interviewed in the way of semi-structure. The conclusions derived from the literature review, the questionnaire survey and the interview are as follows: 1.The current operating situation of relationship marketing in junior high schools is well. 2.About the usage of relationship marketing strategies in junior high schools, “to be aware and understand” is the best used strategy. 3.The principals have higher awareness of relationship marketing operating then the others. The principals are the main leaders of relationship marketing in junior high schools. 4.Master degreed teachers, older and longer teaching experience teachers and teachers in urban district have higher awareness of relationship marketing operating in junior high schools. 5.There is no aware difference between the members from different sex, school years and school size. 6.Junior high schools in the suburb have different operating difficulties from the schools in other areas. 7.The objects of relationship marketing in junior high schools are student guardians and community populace. 8.The reasons of causing the difficulties of relationship marketing in junior high schools are student guardians, community populace, media staffs and alumnus. 9.The measures of relationship marketing in junior high schools match to relationship marketing strategies. The conclusions of the study will be reference for junior high schools, the principals and the future researchers.
關係行銷, 學校行銷