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近年來,由於背包客市場的熱絡,青年旅館經歷了快速的成長,因此青年旅館業者在價格策略的擬定也變得相當重要。過去有許多研究將特徵價格理論 (hedonic prices theory) 應用在旅館市場,但是甚少研究將此方法應用在青年旅館,更遑論應用在亞洲的青年旅館市場中。而本研究之主要目的為探討影響東協十國青年旅館房價之因素,主要以青年旅館的特徵因素 (如氣氛、整潔、設施、員工、地點、安全)、評論數量、正負評分、住宿種類來探討顯著影響青年旅館價格之因素,並將加入可能之控制變項 (安全與保障指數、本地居民人均收入、國內人均生產毛額)。本研究資料取自於青年旅館訂房網站HOSTELWORLD,房價以東南亞國協中的十個國家中所有青年旅館在2018年5月份於網站上之平均價格進行紀錄,特徵價格之六個因素、評論數量、正負評分和住宿種類也以此網站上之資料進行蒐集,扣除無效資料後總計有1957筆資料。研究方法將會建立在特徵價格理論的基礎上並進行多元迴歸分析來探討影響青年旅館價格之因素。研究結果發現在控制了安全與保障指數與本地居民人均收入的情況下,私人房間、地點、整潔、整體評分8.0-10分對青年旅館價格有顯著正向影響;床位房間、員工、整體評分5.0-7.9分對青年旅館價格則是顯著負向影響,並根據以上結果提供未來東協十國青年旅館業者定價參考依據。
Pricing strategy in the hostel industry has become very important because of the rapid growth of hostels over the past few years. Extant hotel research using objective secondary data, such as the number of rooms and the different facilities, investigated the impact factors of room price. However, the extant studies in the hotel industry ignored customer comments. The hedonic price theory was previously used to assess the price determinants in the hotel segment, but there is a paucity of research in the hostel industry in Asia. This study used the hedonic price theory to identify the characteristics of hostel price. The regression model used independent variables, which include customer comments on: (1) atmosphere, (2) cleanliness, (3) facilities, (4) location, (5) staff, (6) security, number of ratings and types of accommodation, and the control variables including safety and security index, gross national income per capita, gross domestic product per capita to analyze the impact of these factors on the hostel room price. Empirical data containing all hostels in 10 countries of ASEAN are collected from HOSTELWORLD, which is the most popular website to book hostels worldwide. The regression results indicated that the dormitory, the rating of staff, and the overall rating between 5.0-7.9 had significantly negative effects on the hostel price; the private room and the rating of cleanliness, location, the overall rating ranging 8.0-10 had significantly positive effects on the hostel price. The managerial implication of the paper is also discussed, and the findings provide price suggestions for the hostel manager in ASEAN.
Pricing strategy in the hostel industry has become very important because of the rapid growth of hostels over the past few years. Extant hotel research using objective secondary data, such as the number of rooms and the different facilities, investigated the impact factors of room price. However, the extant studies in the hotel industry ignored customer comments. The hedonic price theory was previously used to assess the price determinants in the hotel segment, but there is a paucity of research in the hostel industry in Asia. This study used the hedonic price theory to identify the characteristics of hostel price. The regression model used independent variables, which include customer comments on: (1) atmosphere, (2) cleanliness, (3) facilities, (4) location, (5) staff, (6) security, number of ratings and types of accommodation, and the control variables including safety and security index, gross national income per capita, gross domestic product per capita to analyze the impact of these factors on the hostel room price. Empirical data containing all hostels in 10 countries of ASEAN are collected from HOSTELWORLD, which is the most popular website to book hostels worldwide. The regression results indicated that the dormitory, the rating of staff, and the overall rating between 5.0-7.9 had significantly negative effects on the hostel price; the private room and the rating of cleanliness, location, the overall rating ranging 8.0-10 had significantly positive effects on the hostel price. The managerial implication of the paper is also discussed, and the findings provide price suggestions for the hostel manager in ASEAN.
青年旅館, 東南亞國協, 特徵價格理論, 迴歸模型, Hostel, ASEAN, Hedonic Price Theory, Regression model