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2019年末中國武漢發生的重大病毒COVID-19全球蔓延的事件,新冠疫情不只危害人類的健康,也改變了生活、家庭及企業的工作模式,部分企業營收下降使得其採取精簡人力並進行必要的組織變革來因應造成的營運衝擊,而在變革的過程中便造成了人員的流動問題。故本研究以某跨國高科技產業公司研發部門為研究對象,主要目的在探討經過新冠疫情考驗與遠距工作模式的運作下,卻於此同時面臨多次的組織變革,透過以工作鑲嵌理論的三個關鍵因素:連結(link)、契合(fit)和犧牲(sacrifice)為出發點來探究員工對公司的感受度及留(離)任原因,期望管理者能經由此研究結果更加熟知在疫情後的工作模式改變與組織變革交互影響下,員工心態的改變以及如何避免與因應,避免造成人才流失及企業軟性實力傷害。本研究採用個案分析法,首先整理了關於該公司在面臨疫情所造成的工作模式改變及其變革所造成的影響,為了進一步想了解這些同仁的看法,選擇六位在疫情期間面臨數次變革中直接影響的關鍵人員,包含2位轉職 、1位離職、 3位留任員工來進行深度訪談,進而研究員工在疫情後構成關鍵留任、轉職、離職的要素。本研究的主要發現在於,在疫情下的進行重大組織變革來說,其實是需要審慎的評估。因為過去未有的新的工作型態遠距工作,在長期下影響了員工與企業的連結力,由於溝通管道受限的阻礙而降低的變革的推動力,而變革造成資深員工的離開,則帶來了既有員工轉型需要學習新技能中的知識斷層負面影響,在這樣的環境下,若然有其他新興行業或競爭者的示好,則更加速推動了人才離開的意願。檢視其中,在連結面可以知道,對資淺員工來說其實是較無感受,但公司的羈絆在資深員工的影響卻是很深的。而在適配面上則無明顯的發現,從研究結果來說,還是端看個人心態上的決定。最後就再犧牲面來說,資淺員工比較無薪資成本上,或是人情面上的牽掛,而資深員工的離去,多半是對組織的混亂感到失望,這會是對企業的經營管理一個很大的致命傷,無法再吸引其優秀人才繼續為其效力。本研究的主要結論簡於言之在於,除了涵蓋舊有思維模式來面對組織變革的計畫和執行外,必須將新的疫情變數或是其他所衍生的因子一併列入考量,對於不同鑲嵌因子影響其留離職所對應的個人則可以依其透過關懷的舉動、員工職涯的規劃及福利的改善來留住優秀的人才。
At end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic from Wuhan of China was spread to global. Besides health damages, it also makes lots change which includes life, family and work. Some corporations decide to reduce manpower and have organizational change to slow down revenue decline. The employee turnover condition is happened during these organizational changes.The object of the study is discussed about the staff behavior and intentions of turnover which based on the concept of job embeddedness. The background is that staffs are facing multiple times organizational changes when they work from home(WFH)at Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. The mainly proposal is understanding how management team aware and react the staff intention change after the mix between WFH and organizational changes at Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. The research object is the employee who work in R&D department of one High Tech industry company. This study adopts the case study method, and mainly conducts in-depth interviews. The researcher collects the information which related working model change and organizational changes at Post-COVID-19. To understand the deep thought of staffs, we choose 6 spinning interviewees of the company. The interviewees included 3 on-the-job, 2 changed job and 1 resigned. The research is about the key factor to decide change job, resign or on-the-job at Post-COVID-19 Pandemic.The results of the interview found that organizational changes must be treated seriously by management team especially during COVID-19, limited communication channel is the obstacle of organizational changes. Based on job embeddedness theory finding, senior employees are mostly influenced by “Link” factor of job embeddedness, No specific difference result between senior and junior employees about “Fit” factor of job embeddedness, it’s mostly depend on personal attitude. The last is about junioremployees are influenced easily by “Sacrifice” factor of job embeddedness.The conclusion of this study is that plan and execution of organizational changes need also consider the new factor which may related to epidemic or something else. To keep the outstanding employee in the organization, management team need to depend on individual factor of job embeddedness theory to perform related actions like caring for employees, plan employee career path and welfare improvement.



後疫情, 組織變革, 工作鑲嵌, 連結, 契合, 犧牲, 高科技, Organizational Change, Organizational Embedded, Link, Fit, Sacrifice, Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, High-Tech industry

