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主管的領導風格攸關團隊氣氛、獎懲辦法的訂定與運用,進而影響工作績效,對於保險公司的業務部門而言,保費收入及增員人數的成長不僅代表著團隊成員努力的成果,也代表主管的領導模式是否有效。 本研究旨在探討保險公司業務部門的各級主管在領導部屬達到目標時,依照部屬個別狀況不同施予適當的管理方式是否更能夠達到工作績效?故針對某保險公司業務部門的各級主管以半結構式訪談法收集、整理其領導及管理業務人員時的經驗陳述,將組織行為及個別人員輔導過程經過歸納、統整、分析及反思,期能夠全面檢視中高階主管在領導部屬時,如何掌握有效的激勵措施以建立有利於績效達成的核心價值與能力。 本研究觀察的主要發現如下: 一、在多變的環境下,帶領部屬達成工作績效之主管領導風格以轉換型領導為多,轉換型領導與交換型領導的運用依照部屬的個別需求不同而做調整,較可維持團隊和諧氣氛,團隊氣氛影響向心力及目標達成狀況。 二、保險業於組織運作上著重管理與輔導,轉換型領導中的四個構面(魅力領導,激勵領導,個人關懷,智力啟發)及交易型領導的三個構面(權變報酬,積極例外管理,消極例外管理),以權變報酬(Contingent Reward)為最常使用的管理模式,積極例外管理(Active management–by–exception)最少使用。 所以在金融保險業之多變的環境以轉換型領導為主要領導型態,於日常實務運作當中以權變報酬為最常使用的管理模式。有效的領導風格及管理模式之運用可以塑造正向的組織文化,提升團隊向心力,達成目標。
The regulation and practice of the rewards and penalties system as well as the team atmosphere are related to the leadership style of the supervisors. To the sales department, the increasing of insurance premium and employee numbers not only represent the achievement of the team effort but also the effect of the leadership style. This study is aimed to probe into the process of how to acquire better work result through proper management methods when leading the subordinates to achieve the goals. Herein this study collects the semi-structure mode interviews which acquired from supervisors of different levels in a certain insurance company, according to these experienced statements ,we generalize, conclude, analysis and reflect the process of organizational behavior and individual guidance in order to conduct a full scale survey among these middle to high level supervisors' capability indicating how to master the effective encouragements when leading their staff members to set up the company core value and competence. The major discoveries of this study are as following: 1.In changeable environments, transformational leadership is the major leadership style when leading the subordinates to achieve the targets, it can be adjusted by the deferent needs, and prone to maintain the team atmosphere also to enhance the team centripetal furthermore. 2.Organizational function emphasizes the management and guidance, the four facets (charisma leadership, encouragement leadership, individual care, intelligent inspiration) and the three facets of transactional leadership(contingent reward, active management -by-exception, passive management-by-exception)and the contingent reward is often being used while the active management-by-exception is being taken less. In conclusion, among this changeable environment of financial insurance trade, the transformational leadership is mainly used in practice, and this effective leadership can form a positive organization culture, enhance the team centripetal in order to reach the target.



轉換型領導, 交易型領導, Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership

