臺資銀行如何結合香港、中國大陸地區分行、OBU提升境外獲利能力之研究 -- 以A銀行為例

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銀行是金融服務業之一,而金融服務業可謂為一國經濟發展中重要的一環,也是產業發展的重要推手。隨著銀行家數之快速增長,銀行間業務競爭自是激烈,同質性過高的銀行家數大增,導致價格競爭激烈,存、放款利差因而大幅縮小,加上國內利率水準處於低檔已持續多年,對銀行業而言,存、放款利差已進入微利時代。截至104年1月本國銀行總行共計40家,外國及大陸銀行在台總行共計30家,台灣金融業的經營空間及獲利狀況面臨嚴峻的挑戰。 不論是跟隨台商客戶金流對外之移動,亦或是找尋台灣境外新客戶新市場的開發,進軍國際市場是台資銀行必須要走的一條路。對我台資銀行業而言,現有往來客戶大多數在大中華區設有實體廠房、財務資金調度單位或境外註冊公司,對於資金調度之便利性、資金移動之自由度、財務避險之必要、以及稅賦之規劃等境外金融服務有實質上的需求;此外,大中華區又具有同文同種的先天同質化特性,對台資銀行進軍國際市場之效益更為有利。 因此,台資銀行倘能結合香港、中國大陸分支機構、OBU等單位,藉由分處於所在地所面對之不同經營環境之條件,以客戶為導向,加強跨境橫向合作,國內外聯行串聯業務轉介,提供兩岸三地整體全方位服務,發揮利碁效益並進一步提升境外獲利能力,或將可為台資銀行業開拓出另一片藍海市場。
Banks are one of financial service which is one important circle of national economic development and also an important motivator for industrial development. Due to numbers of banks increasing speedily, the business competition among banks become keen naturally. Similar operations of banks have substantially increased so that the fighting among them with banking cost has become stronger and interest rate of deposit / loan has been substantially shrinking. Besides domestic banks interest rate has been in low level for many years. Banking industry has been in the age of minor (limited) profit. There are 40 domestic banks and 30 foreign banks together with China banks in Taiwan in January 2015. Obviously Taiwan financial industry is facing keen challenge in operation space and profit gaining. No matter if to follow Taiwanese clients capital stream and moving out to overseas or developing overseas new market or Taiwanese new clients moving intointernational market is the only way for Taiwan capitalized banks to go. Most clients in China have set up physical plants, financial capital adjust department or overseas registered companies. Overseas financial service has practical demand for the convenience and flexibility of moving capital and necessity to avoid financial risk and tax to be projected. Besides, whole Chinese large territory consists of same culture, blood and physical specialty. There are advantage / benefit for Taiwan capital banks to step into international market. If Taiwan capitalized banks can unite with Hong Kong, Mainland China branches and OBU, they can provide well-rounded services by implementation of customer-oriented strategy, enhancement of cross-border cooperation and utilization of various environment based different locations. Both domestic and overseas banks branches may join and transfer business in all directions services for Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. By taking advantage of solid foundation those Taiwan capitalized banks can raise up capability of securing benefit or even establish a blue ocean market.



臺資銀行, 境外獲利能力, 香港, 中國大陸, OBU, Taiwan capitalized bank, Hong Kong, Mainland China, offshore profitability

