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寫作測驗的目的在評量學生組織、表達、創意、思考歷程等能力,現今寫作考試中為評量學生各類能力的表現,推出各類創新寫作題型,而學生在各類創新寫作題型上的表現有所不同。雖然影響寫作的因素很多,但本研究主要想探討高中生背景變項、興趣類型與創新寫作題型上的關係。本研究以參與95-98年指定科目考試國文科及測試過大考中心興趣量表的考生為對象,研究工具包括興趣量表及95-98指定科目考試國文考科非選擇題題型,所得資料以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析進行考驗。研究發現如下: 一、在創新寫作題型中,性別在各種創新寫作題型都達到顯著差異,且女生的成績表現也都比男生優異。 二、在創新寫作題型中,不同學校類型在各種創新寫作題型都達到顯著差異,且高中生的成績表現也都比高職生優異。 三、在創新寫作題型中,文理組別的高中生在各種創新寫作題型得分之差異不一定達到顯著差異。 四、不同地區的高中生在創新寫作題型中的改寫題型及閱讀寫作題型得分表現有顯著差異,但命題作文題型不一定達到顯著差異。 五、興趣量表結果與創新寫作題型的成績間關係如下: (一)主要興趣類型表現與創新寫作題型成績差異達到顯著水準。 (二)利用興趣量表結果所區分高中生的文理組傾向與創新寫作題型成績分析,可以發現文理組傾向與創新寫作題型成績差異達到顯著水準。 (三)進一步利用興趣量表結果所區分的興趣組別與創新寫作題型成績分析,可以發現興趣組別在創新寫作題型成績差異達到顯著水準。 (四)由興趣量表各型總分與創新寫作題型成績的相關及迴歸分析,發現這幾年的相關都屬於低度相關,且使用興趣量表各型總分對創新寫作題型成績的預測力也不高,可以知道影響高中生在創新寫作題型的成績表現,興趣類型可能有,但仍有其他具高度相關的變項存在,可待以後的研究探討。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以供高中老師教學、大學校系選才及命題人員之參考。
The purpose of the writing test is to assess students’ abilities in organization, expression, creativity, thinking, and so on. In present examination, in order to assess students’ performance of various types of abilities, various kinds of creative writing questions have been released and students’ performance among them showed differences. Even though there are many factors affecting writing, this study focused on the relationships among the background variables and interest types of senior high school students and creative writing questions. The objects of this study were the candidates participating in the Chinese subject test in 2006-2009 College Entrance Examination and Interest Inventory of College Entrance Examination Center. The research tools included Interest Inventory and non-choice questions of the Chinese subject test in 2006-2009 College Entrance Examination. The data obtained were tested by the t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The study findings are as follows: 1. In creative writing questions, there was a significant difference in gender roles for various kinds of writing questions and the score performance of the feminine was more excellent than that of the male. 2. In creative writing questions, there was a significant difference in different school types for various kinds of writing questions and the score performance of senior high school students was more excellent than that of vocational high school students. 3. In creative writing questions, there was not necessarily a significant difference in the culture group and the science group students for the scores in various kinds of writing questions. 4. In creative writing questions, there was a significant difference in senior high school students from different regions for the score performance in the rewriting and reading-writing questions, but there was not necessarily a significant difference for specified topic composition questions. 5. The relationship between the interest inventory results and the scores of creative writing questions is as follows: (i) There was a significant difference in the main interest types and the scores of creative writing questions. (ii)By analysis of the orientation of senior high school students between the culture group and the science group as well as the scores of creative writing questions distinguished by the interest inventory result, it is found that there was a significant difference in the orientation between the culture group and the science group and the scores of creative writing questions. (iii)By further analysis of the interested groups and the scores of creative writing questions distinguished by the interest inventory result, it is found that there was a significant difference in the scores of creative writing questions in the interested groups. (iv) By correlation analysis and regression analysis of the total score in each type of the interest inventory and the scores of creative writing questions, it is found that the correlation of recent years was low and the predictive capability of the total score in each type of the interest inventory towards the scores of creative writing questions was also low, representing that the interest types may affect the score performance of senior high school students in creative writing questions, but there were still other variables with high correlation for the future research to explore. Finally, according to the research findings, specific recommendations were suggested as the reference of teaching of high school teachers, selecting students of University departments, and personnel setting questions.



性別, 學校類別, 文理組別, 興趣量表, 創新寫作題型, gender, school type, culture group and science group, interest inventory, creative writing questions

