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眷村是臺灣社會特有之歷史產物。二戰終結、國共內戰導致中華民國政府遷臺後,世界冷戰以海峽兩岸長期軍事對峙的形式展現,而為了安置中國大陸移民及照顧前線官兵眷屬,集中管理、階級分明的眷村開始以政策的方式出現在臺灣。 在這波冷戰對峙下,金門是臺海的軍事最前線,1956年實施「戰地政務」、金門、馬祖地區成立戰地政務委員會。而為了照顧於前線服務的政委會及金門縣政府的軍公職人員,政委會開始於1950年代於臺灣臺北縣(現新北市)中和地區購地、興建以下五座眷村:太武山莊、復興新村、太湖新莊、浯江新村、九如新村。自此「中和金門五眷村」出現,發展出其特有的眷村樣貌。本研究以五座眷村之基本資料調查及眷戶訪談為基礎,對中和金門五眷村做了背景及人文歷史研究。接著,也對於其在都市發展與眷村改建政策下,其因屬「金門縣產」性質而特有的改建過程。最後,由於2016年五月太武山莊其中三棟建物被指定為直轄市定古蹟,本文也以相關文化資產法規及案例分析,對於未來太武山莊在文化資產保存再利用上提出建議。 最後總結本研究以中和金門五眷村及其眷村文化資產保存的意義:第一,是在歷史角度上,對於受冷戰影響的臺灣歷史,以眷村實體建築空間、族群歷史做見證;第二,是對臺灣社會在經濟發展與都市擴張時期,影響其族群文化及變遷的產物;最後,則是在太武山莊作為文化資產上,以彰顯眷村地方感、紀錄居民集體記憶、文化賦權作為保存意義出發,開展出對於太武山莊的多元利用。另外認為,未來也可以「金門眷村系統」為延伸對眷村文化作更進一步的研究。
Military dependents’ village is a unique history product of Taiwan society. After the end of World War II and China civil war, the regime of Republic of China moved to Taiwan and then Cold War was presented in the form of long-term military confrontation between the strait. In order to settle down the mainland Chinese immigrants and take care of the dependents of frontline soldiers, the military dependents’ village policy with centralized management and clearly class began to held in Taiwan. Quemoy became the military frontline between Taiwan strait during the Cold War. In 1956 the implementation of “battleground administration”, Quemoy and Matsu area set up the civil affairs military government (C.A.M.G.). To take care of the military or public servants who served in the C.A.M.G. or county government at the frontline, C.A.M.G. began to purchase land and bulid the following 5 villages in Zhonghe district, Taipei county (now New Taipei city), Taiwan in the 1950s: Tai-Wu village, Fu-Xing village, Tai-Hu village, Wu-Jiang village and Jiu-Ru village. Since then, “five military dependents’ villages of Quemoy in Zhonghe” appeared, and developed its unique appearance. This thesis made the background and history study based on the basic data survey and villagers’ interviews. Then, due to the “assets of Kinmen county” factor, this thesis also made an analysis of 5 villages rebuilding process under the urban development and rebuilding policy. At tne end, since 3 buildings of Tai-Wu village was designated as municipal monument in May 2016, this paper also made a study by related cultural heritage laws and cases to bring out the suggestion of conservation and reuse for Tai-Wu village in the future. At the end, to summarize the significance of 5 villages of Quemoy in Zhonghe district and its heritage conservation: first, on the historical perspective, substance space of military dependents’ villages and its’ ethnic history were the witness for the history of Taiwan influenced by Cold War. Second, it was the product of ethnic culture changing, which was affected in the period of economy development and urban expanding. Last, as a cultural heritage, to carry out the multi-use of Tai-Wu village, it can start the conservation by rising the sense of space, recording the collective memories of villagers, empowering the right of culture. On the other hand, the “military dependents’ village system of Quemoy” can also be the extension concept for the future military dependents’ village study.



冷戰, 文化資產保存, 戰地政務, 中和發展史, 金門眷村系統, Cold War, conservation of cultural heritage, civil affairs military government, development history of Zhonghe district, military dependents’ village system of Quemoy

