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東南亞一向為中國人遷移區域中的選擇之一,尤以菲律賓離中國最近,向來是華人經商、討生活的重要聚集地。從華僑人口的移入來看宿務更是菲律賓一大商港,在菲華社會當中就存在著這麼一句順口溜「要爽去怡朗,要富去宿務。」(閩南話)。早在西班牙人前來宿務之前至少一個世紀,宿務便是中國的一大貿易重鎮。根據各方資料顯示,尤以閩南文化者佔居約百分之八十。宿務作為菲律賓歷史最悠久的城市,可想而知,其文化變遷最大,是持續變化的重疊文化。 墓地研究,對華僑史與華僑社會提供了許多新視野和重要資料,他不僅是個人文化課題,更是一個幫,整個華社群體對於傳統變遷的指標。透過探討死亡文化,我們可以看出一個死者所寄託的新世界,為何種宗教世界;更可以透過墓碑記載了解其生前的常用語言;另外也可以探索出其生活的枝末細節如何反映在墓園裡。筆者將實際探訪宿務,詳細記錄與早期華僑公共墳區義山之相關資料。本文藉由田野調查,針對目前菲律賓華僑密度最高的宿務中的兩座舊義山和四座新義山之祭祀空間來做比對,呈現出菲華現今墓葬狀況,藉此觀察華人家庭仍保留中華文化之程度。
Southeast Asia has always been the first choice for Chinese immigrants. In particular, the Philippines are close to China and the country has become one of the main places for Chinese business people. In addition, Cebu City is the largest harbor in the Philippines for Chinese immigrants. At least a century before the Spanish arrived, Cebu City had already become one of the largest trading center for Chinese people. According to the records, more than 80% of the residents in Cebu City are Hokkienese. As a historic city in the Philippines, Cebu preserves a continuing and overlapping culture. In this respect, cemetery studies provide a new vision and an important historical material toward overseas Chinese history studies and their society. Cemetery studies are an important culture issue; hence, they serve as an index of traditional culture transition in Chinese society. Through funerary culture, the after death landscape presents a religious world view. We can also discover details of their daily life through language on tombstones in Chinese cemeteries. This paper includes a visit to Cebu and presents a field study of two old Chinese cemeteries and four new cemeteries where most of the Chinese Filipinos are buried. It also collects historic record of early Chinese cemeteries and conducts a comparative research between old and new Chinese cemeteries, as well as their places of worship. Finally, it shows the current status of their tombs and buried areas, and how Chinese families maintain their Chinese culture.



義山, 文化變遷, 祭祀, 菲律賓華人, 祖先崇拜, Chinese cemeteries, culture transition, religious space, Chinese Filipino, ancestor worship

