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Office of Teacher Education and Career Service


本文介紹英國、美國與芬蘭近來品德教育之發展趨勢與中等學校實務。英、美兩國有悠久的品德教育傳統,在1950 、1960年代因道德認知發展論與價值澄清取向的興起,而日趨沒落。英國直到1979年官方教育政策才重新關注品德教育議題,但在學校實務上卻普遍未進行高品質的品德教學。2015 年,英國伯明罕大學的「品格與美德銀禧中心」藉由研究與參與學校品德教育實務,成為重要研究據點。美國是當代品德教育運動的指標性國家,新近發展趨勢側重在對品德教育方案有效性評鑑'並且重新檢討品德教育的內涵。美國固然在品德教育實務上已經累積豐碩成果,惟對教師效能頗多質疑,因此,建議師資培育單位能戮力涵養職前教師的品德教育知能。芬蘭雖未正式倡導品德教育,但涵養學生道德品格始終是「宗教教育」或其替代性科目「生命問題與倫理學」之重要教學目標。參酌這三國近期品德教育發展趨勢,對臺灣品德教育提出兩點建議:第一,臺灣現行採取的融入式品德教育做法與英、美兩國相同,建議可廣泛參採兩國已證實有效的品德教育方案與教學資源。第二,其、美兩國發C現教師普通在品德教育上的教學效能感低落,這有賴師資培育單位對職前教師進行充分培訓。
Tills paper is aimed to introduce the current developmental trends of character education and its practice in schools in the UK, the USA, and Finland. There had been a long tradition of character education both in the UK and the USA before the developmental theory of moral cognition and the approach of values clarification dominated in education in the 1950s and 1960s. Character education had disappeared from the British educational policy until 1979. However, its re-emergence in the offcial policy didn't guarantee its quality practice in schools. This year, the British government invests lots of money in encouraging schools to develop character education programmes and to conduct research into character education. Among pthers, the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues at the University of Birmingham is an important base of research.As to the USA, it is an inescapable point of reference in the contemporary character education movement. Its current development centres on evaluating the effectiveness of the various character education programmes and re-examining the concept of character education. An important lesson learned from the American experience is that teacher effcacy in character education is generally low. It is urgent for the institutions of teacher education to undertake the training of pre-service teachers with regard to character education. In Finland, there is no official policy in character education. However, the formation of moral character is an integral part of the subject of religious education and its substitute i.e. the subject of life questions and ethics. Two implications are drawn for the practice of character education in Taiwan. Firstly, just like the USA and the UK, Taiwan adopts an integrated model of character education. It is suggested that we can make good use of the abundant teaching materials developed in the USA and the UK. Secondly in view of the low teacher efficacy of character education in these two countries it is urgent f



