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Academic 意指「與學院有關的」。Academicism的意思包括:引經據典,純理論性 思考,在藝術、文學上保持傳統主義。西方雖無確鑿的學院詩人稱號,但有scholar-poet 一詞。華文世界自1990年代起,則屢見「學院詩人」、「博士詩人」之說,2007年更召 開了「台灣學院作家學術研討會」。近年筆者曾撰〈台灣「學院詩人」的名與實〉、〈余 光中詩與中國古典〉兩篇論文,參與這一課題研究,試圖勾勒學院詩與學院詩人的特色, 但僅止於初步商榷,未有充分文本,亦未含括多位傑出的學院詩人代表。 有關學術研究與創意思維究竟是相長或相齟齬,學院詩人與非學院詩人的表現有何 異同,海內外並無深入的實證論述。本計畫選定最有代表性的學院詩人楊牧,擬以其詩 集序跋、散文篇章觀測他的學思歷程;以其論著理解他對歷史意識、古典的思索;以其 詩作察探他對傳統的守護發揚、創新轉化。 楊牧的學院性不僅中國古典一路,還有西方古典一路,本計畫名稱於「學院詩人研 究」之後標示(一)的原因在此。學院詩人代表不只楊牧一人,還有余光中、葉維廉、 張錯、簡政珍、蕭蕭等,本計畫若得逐步開展,可形成一互相發現的參照體系。揭示楊 牧作為學院詩人的知性、深厚度、詩藝錘鍊技巧、形式的節制,有助於各大學「文學創 作學程」建立方法學。而大學中文系、外文系,甚至其他人文科系,究竟應給予學生何 等訓練,也有一生動實例印證。
The word “academic” is defined as “of or pertaining to a college, academy, or school…especially one for higher education”. And the definitions of “academicism” are: “pedantic or formal quality; thoughts, opinions, and attitudes that are purely speculative; traditionalism or conventionalism in art, literature, etc.” Although there is not such a terminology as “academic poet” in the western literature field, the use of an equivalent “scholar-poet” does exist. From 1990, the appellations of “academic poet” or “doctor-poet” are often seen in the Chinese literature world; and in 2007, a convention called “Academic Research Conference for Taiwan Writers in the Academies” took place, devoting particularly to the studies of local writers in the academies. To participate in such a research subject, the undersigned has since written two papers, namely: ”Taiwan Scholar Poets - Its Name & Facts” and “Poetry of Yu Kwang-chung and Chinese Classicism”, aiming to depict the characteristics of the local academic poets and their works. These essays were intended as initial studies, with only skeletal and basic arguments, and therefore many of our important academic poets were not included in the discussions. Either here in Taiwan or abroad, there isn’t any in-depth and solid research on the cause-effect of a writer’s academic profession and his/her creative thinking development, whether the academic environment help or disturb the writing career; or the differences between the works of academic and non-academic poets. Choosing Professor Yang Mu, one of our very distinguished academic poets, as the program subject, this research group plans (1) to go through Professor Yang’s poetry book prefaces, and his prose works to apprehend his academic experiences; (2) to study his various essays to look into his concerns of history and his thoughts on the classics; and (3) to review his poetry to explore the methods he uses to preserve, to transform and to revive the traditional. The academic traits found in Professor Yang’s works are tremendous and quite diversified. Not only Chinese classics, but also western classics are referred to in his writings. This is why there is a remark of “Part I” in the project plan, titled “Research on Taiwan Academic Poets (Part I) ── Yang Mu’s Poetry and Chinese Classicism”. Professor Yang is just one of the academic poets here in Taiwan. There are others, such as Professors Yu Kwang-chung, Yip Wai-lim, Chang Ts’o, Jian Zheng-zhen, and Hsiao Hsiao, etc. The whole research program, if approved, could be progressively developed to become a project of its own in full scale allowing cross references. To demonstrate the intellectuality, the poetic skills, and the restrained forms of Professor Yang as a significant academic poet, the project would help build a methodic way of teaching to apply in the Literature Creative Writing Program in every university. It would also prove to be a convincing case study for the teachers to consider, as to what’s best to offer to the students in the Chinese Literature Department, the Foreign Language Department, and even the Humanities/Arts Departments.



