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Office of Teacher Education and Careers Service


     Under the influence of the behaviorism, the teaching of the teachers only emphasize the subject contents. The conclusion is that the teachers are lack of reflective thinking, and that the learning becomes a daily routine. In this situation, the knowledge of subjects becomes the rigid standard form, and is divided into many parts. All students learn the same contents and accept the same ways of evaluation. The teachers ignore every students' life experiences. Today the society is full of conficts, so the arguing issues are often discussed. In this situation, we need the teachers who can't only give students the rigid knowledge. We hope teachers playing some important roles. What are the roles of today's teachers﹖On the basis of Giroux; sconcepts, we can acquire some following opinions:1.The teachers should be the persons of culture study. They must own the abilities of culture study. Besides, they must do their best to take care of the minority students at school.2.The teachers should be the actors who concern the large society. They must take the responsibility to connect schooling knowledge and values with the broader society. In other words, teachers should concern the social issues, such as the public issue or the moral issue.3.The teachers should be the critics. On the one hand, the teachers themselves must have the critical competence. On the other hand, they must also help the students acquiring critical knowledge. The teachers can give students the opportunities and the courage to resist the unjust and the unequal in society.4.The teachers should be the transformative intellectuals. The teachers should play the roles of emancipatory authority. In other words, they should consider the students' life experiences and their voices. Importantly, the teachers must transform the authority knowledge into the students' knowledge.



