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The purpose of this study is two-fold: 1) probing adolescent students' consumption patterns in computer network shops; and 2) designing an intervention program to prevent students' indulging in the shops and evaluating the program's efficiency. Following use of a questionnaire to explore students' consumption patterns, the authors designed a program, based on action research processes, to help students understand both the positive and negative aspects of patronizing computer network shops. Out of 33 students interviewed, 23 participated in the supporting program, in which 12 meetings, of 40 minutes duration each, were held. It was found that, on the use of computer network shops, a) male sophomores are more likely to visit the shops; b) about 80% of the students had patronized the shops for more than 3 years; c) 50% of students visited shops everyday, most of them in excess of 4 to 5 hours, and some stayed even longer than 8 hours; d) most students went to the shops with fellow students or friends; e) male students tended to play games, particularly those designed fro network players, whereas females enjoyed chatting and surfing the net; f) the daily schedule and school performance have apparently affected 60% of the students, albeit not to the extent of resulting in dropouts from school or running away from home. In the intervention program, participating students displayed the tendency of: a) reducing the use of vulgar words; b) more self-control in patronizing the shops; c) a more correct understanding of legal knowledge and ways of making friends via the internet; and d) realizing a computer network shop is a "recreation place for leaning." For studies in the future, the authors suggest better use of the reinforcement principle, and taking into account "knowledge, affect, manners, and ideology" in planning an intervention program, while calling in more ordinary living experience, and presenting then in multi-faceted, dynamic forms.



