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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
台灣所實施的「都市計畫容積移轉」制度,將原本並無容積之公共設施用地上創造容積,以捐贈公共設施保留地換取開發標的土地使用強度提升;且未如同歐美先進國家指定適當容積移入地區,在土地開異質化趨勢下,催化某些正值高度成長地區的交通、土地使用與公共設施服務水準惡化等外部性問題顯現。本文以目前全台具代表性的台中市進行實證研究,首先藉由產、官、學互動過程之焦點團體訪談法與問卷調查分析,選取區位條件、現況容受力及相關空間因素;據以針對台中市現行容積移轉制度所核准144 處接受基地,以地理資訊系統量測、運算各因素數據,應用因素分析之主成份分析法與群落分析法,解釋相關區位特性、空間分佈;結合半結構式訪談,務實探討現行制度所形成全市空間結構、容積移入地區及都市發展政策等不同層面問題。研究結果發現,現行制度所衍生的外部不經濟問題可歸納爲「都市發展總量與成長管理的脫軌」、「缺乏引導容積移入合理區位的市場誘因設計」、「欠缺主要容積移入地區的資訊流通及回饋機制規劃」及「亟待整合相關政策性工具,引導都市空間結構的合理發展」等制度結構性缺陷,必須重新檢討及修補。
The Government of Taiwan adopted T.D.R. system; however, it lacks clear rules to appropriately designate the received area. Owing to the trend of urban land use, the market-led strength toward more concentrated location has worsened the problems about the service quality of transportation, land use and public facility in central areas of those growth cities. Take Taichung City as the most representative case of Taiwan; the study firstly starts with focus group interviews of industrial, official and academic sectors, as well as the questionnaire analysis. Afterwards, factors of location, current carrying capacity and spatial related factors will be selected. Total samples are 144 received sites approved by T.D.R. system of Taichung City. Through measures of Geographical Information System, the output variables are applied to factorial analysis (Principle component analysis & Cluster analysis) in order to form the further discussion of locality & spatial distribution. This research makes practical review in connection with government's remodeling of T.D.R system which has led to main spatial externality problems, such as the spatial structure of whole city, the receiving areas and the urban planning policy. The Conclusions through the analytic process, dimension of spatial externality are: "The disorder between overall urban development quotas and growth management", "The lack of provisions of market incentive in guiding the development to suitable location", "The lack of information circulation & compensation mechanism of receiving area", "Necessity of polices integration for guiding to a reasonable pattern of the urban spatial structure". As stated above, the research can contribute to the reference review of the current policy and the basis of reformation.
The Government of Taiwan adopted T.D.R. system; however, it lacks clear rules to appropriately designate the received area. Owing to the trend of urban land use, the market-led strength toward more concentrated location has worsened the problems about the service quality of transportation, land use and public facility in central areas of those growth cities. Take Taichung City as the most representative case of Taiwan; the study firstly starts with focus group interviews of industrial, official and academic sectors, as well as the questionnaire analysis. Afterwards, factors of location, current carrying capacity and spatial related factors will be selected. Total samples are 144 received sites approved by T.D.R. system of Taichung City. Through measures of Geographical Information System, the output variables are applied to factorial analysis (Principle component analysis & Cluster analysis) in order to form the further discussion of locality & spatial distribution. This research makes practical review in connection with government's remodeling of T.D.R system which has led to main spatial externality problems, such as the spatial structure of whole city, the receiving areas and the urban planning policy. The Conclusions through the analytic process, dimension of spatial externality are: "The disorder between overall urban development quotas and growth management", "The lack of provisions of market incentive in guiding the development to suitable location", "The lack of information circulation & compensation mechanism of receiving area", "Necessity of polices integration for guiding to a reasonable pattern of the urban spatial structure". As stated above, the research can contribute to the reference review of the current policy and the basis of reformation.