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Office of Research and Development


本研究設計"臭氧屠破洞"STS單元,採行動研究法,試探這些STS單元是否有效的提升學生對有關主題的學習興趣、知能、開放性思考及解決問題的能力。STS單元使用問題為中心的合作學習包括:1.小組研究2.班級討論3.角色扮演 4.腦力激盪5.口頭陳述6.益智遊戲。活動中使用:1.記錄發言次數及內容與蒐集整理資料來評量學生的參與度2.學科知識測驗評量相關知識學習成就3.以McDaniel 的五個思考階層評量學生開放性思考階層4.以學習層次評量學生的組織圖形。評量結果顯示100學生都能察覺、了解臭氧層破洞問題之嚴重性,並有84.6學生能提出方案、解決問題,即達到C-STES之第三學習層次。在活動過程中學生(高一) 都能保持高度的興趣,活動後學生均表示相當喜歡這樣的學習活動。幾乎所有的學生對相關學科知識都有明顯的進步,其開放性思考也都提升到高的階層。各項評量間有著高度的正相關由參與度(b)學科知識測驗成績(c)開放性思考(d)學習層次:由與心的正相關為76.9;(a)與(c)約正相關為100:(a)與(d)的正相關為92.3;(b)與(C) 的正相關為76.9;(b)與(d)的正相關為69.2;(a)與(d)的正相關為92.3;(a)、(b)與(c)的正相關為76.9;(a)、(c)與(d)的正相關為92.3。此活動分析結果顯示,本教學/評量策略對提昇學生的分析資料、建構知識、做決策和解決問題等能力及使學生擁有正確的社會觀、世界觀是有效的。
Units of STS activities on the ozone layer depletion are developed and used on a groupof 13 high school students, An action research is carried out to see if the STS activitieswould promote their interest in the STS learning, open-ended thinking, constructingknowledge and skills, and problem-solving ability. The STS activities using problemcentered cooperative learning consists of: (1) small group work, (2) class discussion, (3)oral playing, (4) brain-storming, (5) roal presentation, and (6) games. During the activities: (1) the degree of participation is assessed on the basis of students information collection and organization, frequency of comments, and quality of comments; (2)achievement in subject matter knowledge is assessed with paper- pencil tests; (3) openended thinking is assessed with the McDaniel scale of five thinking levels; and (4) learning achievement in terms of the five learning phases of C-STES is assessed with agraphic organizer method. The results show that after the activities, 100 of the students becme aware of and knowledgeable about the seriousness of the ozone layer depletion, and 84.6 of the students are able to propose blue prints for solving the problems, that is, achieving the third learning level of the C-STES. Throughout the activities, the first-year high school students maintain high degreesof interest. After the activities, the students express that they like this type of learningactivities. Almost all the students are promoted in relevant subject matter knowledgeand open-ended thinking levels. There are strong positive correlations, expressed bypercentage consistency, among (a) degree of participation, (b) achievement in subjectmatter knowledge (paper- pencil test), (c) level of thinking, and (d) level of learning:(a) and (b), 76. 9; (a) and (c), 100; (b) and (c) 76.9; (a), (b) and (c), 76.9; (c)and (d), 92.3; (a) and (d) 92.3; (a), (c), and (d), 92.3. In conclusion, the instruction/assessment strategies are effective to promote st



