快時尚全通路零售對顧客忠誠度影響之研究: 顧客購物體驗的觀點

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零售業的經營模式因應市場的變化而持續地轉變。從原先單一通路的經營模式轉變成多通路發展,再從多通路升級至連接線上線下的跨通路模式。2017年時,創新工廠李開復博士提出有關將通路實體與虛擬整合的零售通路潮流後,零售業除了將實體通路及網路平台緊密融合之外,進一步打造以顧客體驗為主要核心且由數據分析所驅動的無縫整合零售型態循環體系變成零售產業的發展主流,也就是全通路零售。而到了2020年所爆發的新冠肺炎疫情,觸動了所有零售產業開始意識到全通路零售發展的重要性,對於已經推行新零售的企業,也開始對其全通路零售推行成果進行考核。零售業的範疇涵蓋廣泛,本研究以快時尚服裝產業作為研究主軸。透過顧客在快時尚全通路零售的購物經驗當作研究調查核心,討論包括知覺通路整合程度和通路平台整合運作績效對顧客全通路購物體驗滿意度的影響,以及顧客的全通路購物體驗滿意程度對於顧客忠誠度的影響。本研究以全通路零售購物體驗情境為背景提出六個構面:自變數為通路服務整合與資訊平台運作成效;中介變數則為享樂體驗、認知體驗及顧客滿意;而依變數則為顧客忠誠度。本研究採取問卷調查法蒐集樣本資料,以過去一年是否有在兩種以上不同類型的通路購買快時尚服飾產品的顧客作為過濾條件。本研究總共回收樣本問卷為433份,有效問卷共369份,調查時間從110年8月30日到 110年9月15日止。本研究的分析方法共分成三部分: (1) 樣本的基本分析 (2)研究變數測量的信度與效度分析 (3) 研究假說檢定的SEM路徑係數估計。 本研究之研究結果顯示,快時尚全通路零售資訊平台運作成效對於顧客的享樂體驗與認知體驗的影響程度都大於通路服務整合的影響;而通路服務整合僅對享樂體驗造成顯著影響,但對認知體驗卻沒有顯著影響。兩種體驗都對顧客滿意度造成顯著影響,而以享樂體驗的影響較大;滿意度也正如預期,對於忠誠度則呈現顯著影響。綜合上述發現,加強資訊平台運作成效應該為全通路零售模式中,提高顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的最重要關鍵。
The business model in the retail industry has witnessed continuing adjustments in response to the fast-moving pace of market change. Since Dr. Kai-Fu Lee of the Innovation Works identified the trend of integrating physical and virtual retail channels in 2017, firms of the retail industry began to integrate their physical channels with online channels in the hope of creating a seamless and analytics-driven retailing system that focuses on customer experience, which is given the name “Omni-channel retailing”. This new trend became even more obvious since the COVID-19 pandemic outbroke in 2020. It is an appropriate timing for now to examine the influences brought to the retailing industry here in Taiwan. In this study, we investigate the omni-channel shopping experiences of consumers in the fashion apparel industry to study the effects of consumers’ perceived channel integration and perceived platform operation on their shopping experiences, and in turn, customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.In this study, seven research constructs are included in the research framework. The independent variables are perceived channel integration and perceived platform operation; the mediating variables include emotional shopping experience, cognitive shopping experience and consumer satisfaction; and the dependent variable is consumer loyalty. A questionnaire survey was used to collect data and the survey conducted from August 30, 2021 to September 15, 2021. A qualified respondent must have the experience of purchasing apparel products in two or more channels last year from a certain fast fashion brand. A total of 369 valid questionnaires were obtained for further data analysis. The data analysis contains: (1) sample profile analysis; (2) reliability and validity analysis of measures; (3) structural equations modeling analysis for the proposed research hypotheses.Based on the data analysis results, we found that perceived channel integration has a greater significant effect on consumers’ hedonic and cognitive experiences than perceived platform integration. Perceived channel integration significantly influences hedonic experience but not significantly on cognitive experience. Both hedonic and cognitive experiences significantly influence consumer satisfaction. Of the two experiences, hedonic experience has a greater effect on consumer satisfaction. Theabove mentioned findings indicate that strengthening the performance of channel platform integration should be more important to escalate consumer satisfaction and loyalty for the fashion omnichannel retailing than the platform operation.



全通路零售, 享樂體驗, 認知體驗, 顧客滿意度, 顧客忠誠度, Omni-channel Retailing, Hedonic Experience, Cognitive Experience, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty

