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十九世紀末正處於音樂歷史上重要的轉折點,而自十六世紀以來的調性音樂創作手法正面臨瓦解之際。作曲家馬勒 ( Gustav Mahler, 1860-1911 ),即身處於這樣世代交替的時代。馬勒的一生命運多舛,少年時期歷經手足的早夭與父母長期的爭吵;成年後更歷經女兒的早逝及妻子不忠的猜疑,造就其音樂上的悲劇性格。馬勒終其一生熱愛文學與哲學,從他的作品中更可反映出他對世間萬物的體認,其音樂與創作風格深深影響後輩音樂家,特別是第二維也納樂派的荀白克等人。文學面上,他創作了許多以管弦樂伴奏的藝術歌曲,其歌詞內容出自於《少年的魔法號角》( Des Knaben Wunderhorn ) 這本詩集。哲學面上,他曾說過:「一首交響曲即一個世界,他必須包含全部。」他藉由交響曲的創作,闡述自身的哲學觀與世界觀。本論文從探討馬勒的生平著手,再以樂曲分析和指揮詮釋兩大面向來探討馬勒《第四號交響曲》,期待透過樂曲分析的佐證來協助指揮在實際排練與演出時可能會面臨到的困難,並能以指揮這個角色清楚傳達作曲家意圖,與幫助樂團達到最佳的音樂表現。
Mahler's life was ill-fated. During his youth, he suffered his younger brother's early death and long-term quarrels between his parents; later, he suffered his daughter's premature death and the suspicion of his wife's unfaithfulness, which caused his tragic characteristics. Mahler enjoyed literature and philosophy throughout his life. His works reflect his perception of the world. On the literary side, he has composed many Lieder accompanied by symphony orchestra, the lyrics of which are fromthe collection of poems" Des Knaben Wunderhorn ". On the philosophical level, he once said: " A symphony must be like the world." He regarded the symphony as a medium to express his own philosophy and worldview. This thesis will discuss Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 from two aspects: musical analysis and conducting interpretation. It is hoped that through the relation of musical analysis, it will assist conductors that the issues they may face in rehearsals and performances, and be able to express the composer's intentionsfully.



古斯塔夫•馬勒, 第四號交響曲, 少年魔號, 指揮, 「 一首交響曲即一個世界」, 指揮詮釋, 藝術歌曲交響化, 樂團藝術歌曲, Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 4, " Des Knaben Wunderhorn ", Conductor, " The symphony must be the world.", Conducting interpretation, Orchestral Lieder

