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本研究旨在應用跨理論模式來探討臺師大EMBA學生在五個不同運動階段的分佈情形及其相關影響因素。本研究採立意取樣法進行問卷調查,共發出問卷266份,有效回收問卷245份,有效回收率達92.1%。所得研究資料以描述性統計、無母數統計法、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費事後比較、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。研究所得結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象的運動階段以準備期最多(40.8%),其次分別為、維持期(31.8%)、意圖期暨無意圖期(18.4%),人數最少的是行動期(9%)。 二、研究對象會因個人背景因素的不同,在五個不同運動階段中大部分沒有差異,僅在年齡、自覺健康狀況及參加學校運動社團有所差異。 三、研究對象在知覺運動利益方面,會因自覺健康狀況、參加運動社團經驗、等個人背景因素不同而有所差異;在知覺運動障礙方面,會因年齡、職務屬性、自覺健康狀況、參加學校運動社團經驗等個人背景因素不同而有所差異;而在運動自我效能方面,會因年齡、自覺健康狀況、參加學校運動社團經驗等個人背景因素不同而有所差異。 四、歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,在知覺運動利益、知覺運動障礙、運動自我效能上,均具有顯著差異。 五、運動知覺利益正向預測運動自我效能;運動知覺障礙則負向預測運動自我效能。
This study used Transtheoretical Model to understand the distributions and related factors in five different stages for exercise behavior of EMBA Students in NTNU . This survey was using the purposive sampling method. Total 266, obtains 245 effective samples. An effectiveness rate of 92.1% was reached. The data were collected with descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, T test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s post hoc test standardized , and Regression Analysis. The results were as follows: 1.40.8% of the subjects in exercise stage were in Preparation, 31.8% in Maintenance , 18.4% in Contemplation and Precontemplation, 9% in Action. 2.There were no differences among participants’ personal backgrounds of the five stages, but significant differences in the age, aware state of health,and experiences in exercise school club. 3.In perceived benefits of exercise, the results various from personal background such as: aware state of health, and experiences in exercise school club. In perceived barriers of exercise, the age, job attributes, and aware state of health. In self-efficacy for exercise, it changes from the age, aware state of health, and experiences in exercise school club. 4.The subjects in the five stages vary in perceived benefits of exercise, perceived barriers of exercise, and self-efficacy for exercise, show significant differences. 5.Perceived benefits of exercise can indicate self-efficacy for exercise positively; however, perceived barriers of exercise is in negative relation with self-efficacy for exercise.



跨理論模式, EMBA學生, 運動行為, 運動階段, transtheoretical model, EMBA students, exercise behavior, exercise stages

