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本研究討論《說文解字》、《釋名》蘊含陰陽五行思想之聲訓詞源,透過探討被訓釋詞與聲訓詞之關係,一方面論析被訓釋詞稱名之所以然,即命名之「理據」;另一方面考察其中符合「合理聲訓」的數量。 並由「內容」與「形式」兩層面,討論漢代重要字典辭書中,蘊含的陰陽五行思想。「內容」方面,鉤沉漢代訓詁學家在陰陽五行思想橫領學術領域之際,如何透過析形解義,呈顯其思維模式與當際學術風氣的互動。「形式」方面,尤其注意字典辭書「編纂體例」中透顯的陰陽數術色彩。 本研究內容分為三大部份:一、論述陰陽、五行觀念各自的來歷起源,推衍兩者從自然概念到形上義理的質變,並揭示涵括宇宙萬物的系統學說。二、以《爾雅》、《說文》、《釋名》中編輯形式體例為觀察焦點,著重研討篇目編次、部首秩序、類中詞條排序等,藉以考察形式篇章的規則以及內涵精神底藴。三、藉由探究《說文》、《釋名》陰陽五行被訓釋詞、聲訓詞的本形初義,來辨析兩者的關係,若為「合理聲訓」,則以出土文獻材料以及傳世經典中的「古文字字形」與「辭例」,輔助佐證其音義關係;若為「不合理聲訓」,則從依聲立說角度觀察許慎、劉熙對字義的闡釋,試圖建構漢代字典辭書中蘊涵的陰陽五行思想理論依據。唯有解析這些詞條稱名之所以然,才能瞭解許慎、劉熙的說解非主觀空言,而是藉音表義以宣揚思想。
The dissertation explores the etymology of phonetic gloss connoting the perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements in “Shuowen Jiezi” and “Shiming”. Through analysis of the relation between interpreted words and words of phonetic gloss, the study examined the origin of explanation for interpreted words, that is, the “rationale” of explanation were also investigated and qualified numbers of “logical phonetic gloss” . This paper studied the implicit perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements on the Han dynasty dictionaries from the two aspects of “Content” and “Format”. From the aspect of “Content”, by exploring and tracing back words’ meaning, this paper demonstrated that the thoughts of exegetics scholars in the Han dynasty were significantly influenced by the perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements which prevailed in academia at that time. From the “Format” aspect, that the collations on these dictionaries revealed indicative utilization of Yin Yang and the Five Elements was focused. The study divides into three sections. The first section elaborated the historical background of the perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements, inferred their changes from natural conception to the metaphysics and further unveiled the system applicable to everything in the universe. The second part focused on the collations in “Erya”, “Shuowen Jiezi”, and “Shiming” and analyzed such as arrangement of categorization, system of radicals, sequencing of lexicons so as to clarify the rules of collation and implicit connotations. Lastly, by exploring the initial meaning of interpreted words and words of phonetic gloss connoting Yin Yang and the Five Elements in "Shuowen Jiezi" and "Shiming", the relation between these two was distinguished and analyzed. If it was classified as "logical phonetic gloss", this paper utilized "ancient Chinese characters" and "examples" from the unearthed documents and classics to prove the relation in the phonetic aspect and meaning; if it was not "logical Phonetic Gloss", Xu Shen’s and Liu Xi’s interpretations to words’ meaning were observed from the angle of advocating thoughts to try to demonstrate the theoretical basis that the dictionaries in Han dynasty were influenced by the perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements. Only by analyzing the origin of meaning of these entries can we understand that Xu Shen’s and Liu Xi’s interpretations are not unfounded but to advocate their thoughts.



《說文解字》, 《釋名》, 陰陽五行, 詞源, 聲訓, 編輯體例, Shuowen Jiezi, Shiming, Yin Yang and the Five Elements, Etymology, Phonetic Gloss, Dictionary collation

