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Ching-Ju Deng
Chao-Yi Chen

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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


本研究旨在探討國中生社團參與態度與幸福感之現況與其相關性。本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集所需的資料,問卷調查法的研究工具有二:(一)修訂何富財編定之「高中學生社團參與態度量表」;(二)自編之「幸福感量表」。以台北縣公平國中八年級學生為研究對象,回收後有效樣本為1411 份,問卷資料以描述統計、t 考驗、雙因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關進行統計,結果發現如下:1.國中生社團參與態度與幸福感現況為佳,女生優於男生並達顯著差異;2.專長性比學習性社團國中生的社團參與態度為佳並達顯著差異;3.專長性比學習性社團國中生的幸福感為佳並達顯著差異;4.國中生社團參與態度與幸福感之間為中度正相關。
The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between the attitude of participating extracurricular activities and well-being for junior high school students. The questionnaire method and focus group interviews were adopted for this study. The instruments used were: 1) the Measurement Scale of Attitude of Participating Extracurricular Activities, 2) the Measurement Scale of Well-being. There were a total of 1456 8th grade students who were chosen to take the survey and 1411 of the surveys were valid. The data collected were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, T-test, Two-Way ANOVA and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. Twenty one students were selected based on those whose scores were among the highest (HST) and those whose scores were among the lowest (LST) from the MSAPEA and the MSW. After these students were chosen, three more group interviews were held. The results of this study were summarized as follows: A. Conclusion-the questionnaire method A) The present situation of the attitude of participating extracurricular activities and well-being for junior high school students were good. The girls scored higher than the boys on both surveys significanthy. B) Students joined SREA scored higher than students joined LLEA and had significant differences on both surveys. C) The attitude of participating extracurricular activities was positively related to well-being on junior high school students. B. Conclusion-the focus group interviews A) 21 students who were chosen had a positive attitude toward participating in extracurricular activities. B) HST students were in need of respect, LST students were in need of love and belonging.


