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臺灣為人口老化快速的國家,在1993年65歲以上的高齡者占總人口已超過7%成為高齡化社會(ageing society)國家,預估在2017年老年人口比例將超過14%,成為高齡社會(aged society)國家,人口老化所產生的問題將嚴重衝擊目前及未來的臺灣社會。芬蘭與我國同為人口嚴重老化國家,其政府推行之高齡者運動政策目的在提升高齡者規律運動,期望促進高齡者健康並保有獨立生活之能力,進而降低醫療支出、節省社會成本。在芬蘭國家政策主導下,政府各部門實施了不同面向的運動健康促進方案,以高齡者運動健康促進計畫的推展最值得推崇並值得我國借鏡學習。因此,本研究目的為:一、瞭解芬蘭高齡者運動計畫「Strength in Old Age」。二、分析臺灣高齡者運動計畫與活動之實行概況。三、比較芬蘭與臺灣高齡者運動計畫與活動之差異。本研究以個案研究法(文獻分析法與深度訪談法)進行瞭解,得到結果為:一、芬蘭依據憲法給與人民運動的權力,從政策立法制訂、各單位分層發展相關的計畫與方案,到地方城市與大學資源結合,有專責研究機構的指導,提供高齡者專業與友善的運動服務。二、臺灣政府、研究機構與民間單位目前也積極投入高齡產業,為高齡者提供豐富多元的活動,以民間單位的速度與進展較政府單位快,且是以深耕社區的力量,提供一個在地老化的方案。三、芬蘭與臺灣最大的不同點在於,芬蘭由上而下推動運動健康促進方案,縱形的力量結合了點線面,全力發展高齡者運動產業。臺灣目前在各地區發展高齡者運動健康促進活動或課程,是由當地的力量所支持。
Taiwan had become an ageing society in 1993, that means the elderly people in Taiwan were reached 7% of total population. The speed of ageing are really quickly and it was estimated that the elderly population will reach 14% in 2017. Becoming an aged society will crush the social welfare system. The purpose of this study was to: (1) understand the “Strength in Old Age” program in Finland for elderly people. (2) analyze the profile of elderly exercise health promotion in Taiwan. (3) compare Finland with Taiwan in elderly exercise health promotion situation. This research uses the case study method through documentary analysis and in-depth interview. The results from this study showed: (1) The constitution of Finland gave people the power to exercise, so from policy, legislation, research institute to local city and university develop health-enhancing physical activities. (2) Now Taiwan government, research institute and private organization are also developing various activities for elderly. (3) The most differences between Finland and Taiwan is Finland was started from central government to local cities.



高齡者, 運動, 健康促進, elderly, exercise, health promotion

