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本研究目的主要是要探討民宿經營流程與工作項目外包的可行性,藉此找出民宿業者願意及需要外包的項目,來降低業者的經營成本與讓其更有心力去鞏固、發展民宿的核心競爭優勢。研究方法為文獻分析法、檔案分析法及專家訪談法,經由相關文獻與法規的歸納與分析,探討外包的定義與管理方式,並比較民宿與旅館的異同點,整理出民宿的經營型態與民宿的經營流程項目,最後彙整成訪談大綱,並以半結構式訪談的方式對澎湖民宿業者進行訪談,找出民宿業者真正想要自行經營與外包的民宿流程項目。研究結果發現:1. 澎湖民宿業者在接送旅客之相關工作、提供早餐、依照旅客喜好與目的來安排景點與娛樂活動、備品的清洗、客房的清潔等五項工作中有外包的情形或需求;2. 造成民宿業者在工作項目上有外包需求的主要原因為時間、人力及專業能力上的不足;3. 馬公市民宿與吉貝村民宿在外包上的差異主要受到設置區域與經營模式所影響。因此本研究結果建議民宿業者應以合作聯盟的形式來採行外包策略,以便降低成本並提升外包的品質。
The purpose of the research is to explore the relationships between the operating processes and the feasibility of outsourcing at B& B. This research adopted semi-structured interview in Magong and Jibei. The objects of this study are the owners from six B & B in Magong and Jibei. The results indicate that, first, B & B owners intend to outsource five tasks from their operating items, such as, pick-up service, breakfast providing, activities arranging, supplies cleaning, and housekeeping. Second, the reasons why B&B owners have demand of outsourcing are the lack of time, labor, and professional competence. Third, due to different location and operating forms, the tasks, which B&B owners wish to outsource in Magong, differ from the tasks that B&B owners wish to outsource in Jibei. The research suggests that when B & B owners carry out outsourcing strategy, they should collaborate with each others to improve the quality and decrease the cost of the outsourcing service.



民宿, 經營型態, 外包, B&B, business pattern, outsourcing

