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本論文意在研究元青花瓷蓮池水禽紋的紋飾源流、意涵與風格。 元代青花瓷裝飾華麗,布局主、輔有序,清新淡雅的蓮池水禽紋獨具一格。而蓮池水禽紋的源流悠長,由紋飾演變來看,唐代盛行的花鳥紋飾可見蓮花水禽組合,以降至宋代,蓮池水禽紋的樣貌漸趨完備;而內在意涵由佛教的「蓮花生化」之外,也逐漸被用以祝福夫婦和美、仕途順遂的吉祥寓意。 蓮池水禽紋為元青花瓷之上令人為之一亮的主紋,透過分析蓮池水禽紋在青花瓷上的裝飾佈局與筆繪風格,理解青花瓷紋飾的規律與原則,提供元青花紋飾研究一個新的切入點與方法。 本論文的研究方法,除了採用彙整歷史文獻、前人研究進行歷史脈絡的梳理與風格分析,並且蒐集公、私立博物館出版圖錄中元青花樣本,進行器型與紋飾的系統分析,建立一個較為客觀的原則。
The purpose of the thesis is to study the origin and development, meanings and the style of the pattern of “Lotus Pond with Birds” on the blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Yuan Dynasty, the blue and white porcelain was unique and styled by its ornate decoration, orderly layout, and fresh and elegant pattern of lotus pond with birds. This pattern has been existed in the history for a long time. From the point of view of the pattern evolution, in the Tang Dynasty, there had been the combination of lotus and birds found among popular flowers and bird patterns; till the Song Dynasty, the appearance of lotus pond with birds became more completely like a picture. Besides the symbolic meaning of lotus pond in Buddhism, this pattern also has auspicious meanings of the harmony marriage and smooth career. As the most attractive main pattern on the blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty, the pattern of lotus pond with birds could be analyzed through the decoration layout and painting style on the blue and white porcelain to understand the pattern’s regulation and principles, which would be provided as useful information for other researches. Regarding the methods of this thesis, in addition to historical documents and previous related studies and papers, the samples of blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty published in catalogs by public and private museums are also collected through the systematic analysis of the type and pattern to build more objective principles.



青花瓷, 蓮池水禽, Yuan Dynasty, Blue and White

