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    (2022) 林藝庭; Lin, Yi-Ting
    目的:本研究的目的為比較健康與具跌倒風險高齡者執行起立和坐下動作的策略差異,以及起立與坐下動作的下肢運動學、動力學與肌肉活化特徵差異。方法:招募10名健康與10名過去一年內具跌倒經歷之男性高齡者。使用8台Vicon紅外線攝影機(200 Hz)、2塊Kistler測力板(1000 Hz)與6顆Delsys無線肌電(2000 Hz)同步收集動作的生物力學參數。參與者在高度等同小腿長、深度等同大腿長一半的木箱上,執行起立和坐下動作各3次。計算動作過程的執行時間;軀幹、髖、膝、踝關節矢狀面活動度;髖、膝關節伸直力矩峰值;質心左右及前後總晃動範圍,以及下肢6條肌肉:臀大肌、股二頭肌、股外側肌、股直肌、股內側肌、外側腓腸肌的肌肉活化。統計方法以獨立樣本t檢定進行組別分析,以及成對樣本t檢定分析動作的比較(α =.05)。結果:具跌倒風險高齡者在關節活動度、下肢力矩峰值、下肢肌肉活化以及質心左右晃動範圍皆顯著與健康高齡者有差異,並且起立和坐下動作在執行時間和上述參數皆有顯著差異。結論: 具跌倒風險高齡者在起立和坐下時,額狀面會有更多晃動,並採用屈曲更多軀幹、髖、膝關節,肌肉活化更高或週邊肌肉協同完成,以補償下肢力矩不足和身體的晃動。另外,起立和坐下不完全為單純相反方向的運動。
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    (2009) 張武進; Wu-Chin Chang
    目的:探討國小高年級男童之「高表現立定跳遠組」與「一般表現立定跳遠組」其立定跳遠各分期動作表現之運動學及動力學參數是否有差異,探究影響立定跳遠動作表現的因素為何。方法:以16名國小五年級男童為施測對象,分為「高表現立定跳遠組」8名及「一般表現立定跳遠組」8名共兩組。並以Vicon Motion Capture System MX-13+高速影像擷取攝影機(250Hz)及Kistler三維測力板(1250Hz),蒐集立定跳遠動作過程中的運動學及動力學參數。所得結果採用無母數統計方法之曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann - Whitney U test),進行「高表現組」與「一般表現組」兩組立定跳遠動作各項參數的差異檢定。結果:一、立定跳遠跳躍距離兩組之間有顯著差異(p<.05)。二、下蹲擺臂期之重心高度變化量兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。三、蹬伸起跳期與飛行著地期之重心水平位移變化量兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。四、起跳瞬間重心水平速度與移動合速度兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。五、蹬伸起跳期之重心、肩關節、肘關節、髖關節及膝關節最大合速度兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。六、蹬伸起跳期之水平衝量兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。
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    (2009) 陳雅琪; Ya-Chi Chen
    本研究的目的在比較不同俯臥弓身動作之各階段動作的肌電訊 號,以八名大專男性體操隊選手為受試者,使用 FASTEC IMAGING 高速攝影機(125Hz)及 BIOPAC 肌電系統(1250Hz)來分析在治療床 和羅馬椅兩種器材上不同俯臥弓身動作運動學資料與背闊肌和豎脊 肌肌電訊號。以無母數統計方法檢驗不同俯臥弓身動作之各項參數, 顯著水準定為 α = .05。本研究得出,在不同俯臥弓身動作,背闊肌和 豎脊肌向心收縮的肌電訊號達顯著差異(p<.05) 。實驗結果得知訓練 背部肌肉適能可採用俯臥弓身動作;執行俯臥弓身動作時,豎脊肌和 背闊肌力量的大小受到身體姿勢和器材所影響;加強豎脊肌離心收縮 訓練,能避免肌力不平衡,進而可減少發生背部傷害發生。
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    (2005) 許立德; LI-TE HSU
    本研究目的在探討四種不同距離 ( 2.25m, 4.25m, 6.25m, 8.25m ) 籃球跳投動作運動學和動力學參數上的差異。研究方法是使用二部Redlake高速攝影機(125Hz)及一塊Kistler 9287型測力板(1250Hz)收集大學體育系學生與乙組籃球隊選手在四種距離投籃的運動學與動力學參數資料;以重複量數單因子變異數分析考驗四種距離間力學參數上的差異,並以皮爾遜積差相關檢定相關的顯著性。結果發現:(一)出手速度、上肢關節出手瞬間角速度與最大角速度以及出手瞬間重心速度隨投籃距離增加而增加;(二)出手角度、出手瞬間軀幹傾斜角度及出手點至籃框的水平距離隨投籃距離增加而減小;(三)出手時機隨著投籃距離增加而提早;(四)離地前水平合衝量、水平正向衝量以及最大水平地面反作用力隨投籃距離增加而增加,水平反向衝量則是逐漸減少。由此可知,在不同距離投籃者的投籃特徵皆不相同,且影響命中率的因素也不盡相同。短距離投籃時,投籃者垂直起跳,以高拋射角將球投出;中距離投籃(罰球線),投籃者著重以較小的力量跳躍,維持身體穩定的方式進行投籃;遠距離投籃(三分線),投籃者改以向前跳躍的方式,並利用重心速度來增加出手速度;而超長距離投籃時,投籃者除了有遠距離投籃的特徵外,在出手瞬間還有身體前傾的現象。因此未來教練指導學生投籃時,應瞭解不同距離投籃的動作特徵,並在教學上有所調整,較能達到事半功倍的效果。
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    (2010/08-2011/07) 張家豪; 黃長福
    背景:「引進落空合即出」記載於拳論,其意為當對方攻來時,利用牽引轉化等化勁的 方式,讓對方的勁力不能攻到己身,並利用對方本身的衝力讓對方失去平衡,進而被我 掌握而加以發勁反擊。本計畫預計以三年時間探討整個結合化、發勁之「引進落空合即 出」技術,藉由動作與肌肉收縮機轉的模式,期能在教學傳承上給予助益。目的:第一 年探討武術中「發勁」動作的肌肉活化機轉,對照運動學與動力學參數,建立出發勁動 作的常模;第二年對武術中防守走化之「化勁」動作進行運動學、動力學與肌電圖分析, 並建立動作常模;第三年探討化勁後發勁—即拳論中『引進落空合即出』的連貫動作, 結合人體運動學參數、地面反作用力與肌電圖的分析,建立動作常模。方法:第一年將 採用Vicon 三維動作分析系統、Kistler 測力板以及Noraxon 肌電圖儀同步收集12 位熟 悉「發勁」技術的武術學習者,對目標物發勁時的運動學、動力學與肌電訊號資料;第 二年亦將採用Vicon 三維動作分析系統、Kistler 測力板以及Noraxon 肌電圖儀同步收 集12 位熟悉「化勁」技術的武術學習者,將對方推力化解時的運動學、動力學與肌電 訊號資料;第三年將採用Vicon 三維動作分析系統、Kistler 測力板以及Noraxon 肌電 圖儀同步收集12 位熟悉「引進落空合即出」技術的武術學習者,將對方推力化解後同 時發勁將對方推出的運動學、動力學與肌電訊號資料。資料將利用弗里曼二因子等級變 異數分析法、卡方檢定進行統計分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。
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    Kinetic differences in lower extremity between baseball pitching from pitcher's mound and flat-ground
    (2014-07-16) 黃長福; Po-Chieh Chen; Chen-Fu Huang; Chun-Lung Lin; Bo-Jen Ko
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetic differences in lower extremity between pitching from a mound and flat-ground. A motion capture system and two force plates were used simultaneously to collect the dynamic data of 8 baseball male pitchers. The results revealed that pitching from the mound generated higher propulsive force at the trailing leg as well as greater braking force and vertical ground reaction force at the lead leg (p< .05). The trailing leg in the mound condition generated greater knee posterior joint force while the lead leg had greater axial joint force at ankle and knee, as well as greater extension moment at ankle, knee and hip (p< .05). It was concluded that pitching from the mound generated higher ground reaction force, which resulted in higher joint forces and moments and thus might increase stresses at lower extremity.
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    Ground Reaction Force of Baseball Flat Ground Pitching
    (2009-08-21) 黃長福; C. Lin; C.F. Huang
    The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the ground reaction force (GRF) of baseball flat ground pitching, and compares the characters with previous research which pitched on pitching mound. Fourteen division I college pitchers participated in this study. A VICON Motion capture system (10 cameras) and two force platforms were used to collect 3-D kinematic data (500Hz) and GRF data (1000Hz). Three successful trials for each subject were analyzed. The result shows the pivot foot anterior/posterior (AP) propulsive force was larger on flat ground, and the leading foot AP force was larger on pitching mound. The other two components GRF were similar in these two ground situations. The three components of GRF had low correlation with ball velocities. Comparing the peak GRF in three components between pitcher with fast and slow ball velocity groups, the fast velocity group produced a larger leading AP braking force. The leading foot AP breaking force may be an important variable for identify the fast and slow pitching ball velocities.
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    Angular analysis of the index and middle fingers during fastball and curveball pitching - a case study
    (2008-07-18) 黃長福; Chung-Lung Lin; Chen-fu Huang; Jia-Hao Chang
    The purpose of this study was to expand the knowledge by quantifying and comparing finger angle between curveball (CB) and fastball (FB) pitching. One division II college pitcher was participated in present study. A VICON Motion capture system were used to collect 3-D kinematic data (500Hz). Three successful trials for each FB and CB were collected. The metacarpal phalangeal joint (MCP), proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) and distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) angle was analysed. There were several differences in MCP, PIP and DIP angle for CB and FB. But similar patterns were found between index finger and middle finger. This information may beneficial to conduct thefurther study to explore the mechanics of pitching.
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    The effect of hand-held weights on standing long jump performance
    (2005-08-27) 黃長福; Chenfu Huang; Hung-ying Chen; Hsiente Peng
    The standing long jump was one of the events in ancient Olympiad Games. Extra weights were held in the hands of athletes during the jump. It has long been debated whether the extra weights were used to make the challenge more difficult or to enhance the jumping performances. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of extra weights on standing long jump performance. A Redlake high-speed camera was synchronized with a Kistler force platform to collect the data of eight male jumping performances. The results Indicate that the total horizontal propelling time, time to maximal horizontal force, horizontal impulse and horizontal velocity of body CG at takeoff all increased. with loaded jumps. In addition, the vertical velocity of body CG and angles at takeoff decrease with loadedl weights. It was suggested optimal extra weights for extending standing jump distance is 8% of body mass.