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本研究的目的在比較不同俯臥弓身動作之各階段動作的肌電訊 號,以八名大專男性體操隊選手為受試者,使用 FASTEC IMAGING 高速攝影機(125Hz)及 BIOPAC 肌電系統(1250Hz)來分析在治療床 和羅馬椅兩種器材上不同俯臥弓身動作運動學資料與背闊肌和豎脊 肌肌電訊號。以無母數統計方法檢驗不同俯臥弓身動作之各項參數, 顯著水準定為 α = .05。本研究得出,在不同俯臥弓身動作,背闊肌和 豎脊肌向心收縮的肌電訊號達顯著差異(p<.05) 。實驗結果得知訓練 背部肌肉適能可採用俯臥弓身動作;執行俯臥弓身動作時,豎脊肌和 背闊肌力量的大小受到身體姿勢和器材所影響;加強豎脊肌離心收縮 訓練,能避免肌力不平衡,進而可減少發生背部傷害發生。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the EMG signal among different back hyperextension movements of all stages. Eight elite college gymnasts were served as the subjects of this study. The latissmius dorsi and erectorspinae muscles groups were monitored in this study when the gymnasts worked in three different back hyperextension movements (face down on the bed and face down on the Roman chair gestures). The EMG signals of latissmius dorsi and erectorspinae muscles were collected by BIOPAC Myo-electrical signal system and the kinematics data was recorded by FASTEC IMAGING High-speed camera The Friedman and Wilcoxon Nonparametric statistical test were used to compare all the variables at a .05 significant level. The results are as follows: There were significant different in latissmius dorsi and erectorspinae muscle EMG signals among the different back hyperextensions. By the results of the experiment, we found that back hyperextension exercise on the bed was the best movement among the different movements. When we performed the back hyperextension exercise, the strength of the latissmius dorsi and erectorspinae were influenced by the posture of body and training equipments.



生物力學, 俯臥弓身, 肌電訊號, biomechanics, back hyperextension exercise, EMG





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