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Item 1998年造訪圖書資訊學(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2000-04-??) 楊美華等Objective: To encourage health sciences librarians in Taiwan to submit structured abstracts in English that summarize their library-related research projects to the periodical Hypothesis. These abstracts are intended to raise awareness about relevant Taiwanese research primarily among health sciences librarians in the US. This awareness might result in US librarians citing Taiwanese library science journals more frequently and lead to greater US-Taiwan research collaboration in the future. Method: Narrative essay. Presents elements of a standard structured abstract and a sample structured abstract based upon one of the primary author's recent publications. Result: Pending Goal will be to increase awareness about relevant health sciences library science research in Taiwan among health sciences librarians in the US. Increased awareness of library-related research in Taiwan potentially will improve systematic reviews for all health sciences librarians.Item 1998年造訪圖書資訊學--對學門的看法(國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2000-04-01) 楊美華; 張淳淳; 陳雪雲; 陳雪華; 蔡明月; 莊道明; 林珊如; 陳光華; 王梅玲; 高錦雪; 黃鴻珠; 陳昭珍; 劉淑德; 邱炯友; 范豪英Objective: To encourage health sciences librarians in Taiwan to submit structured abstracts in English that summarize their library-related research projects to the periodical Hypothesis. These abstracts are intended to raise awareness about relevant Taiwanese research primarily among health sciences librarians in the US. This awareness might result in US librarians citing Taiwanese library science journals more frequently and lead to greater US-Taiwan research collaboration in the future. Method: Narrative essay. Presents elements of a standard structured abstract and a sample structured abstract based upon one of the primary author's recent publications. Result: Pending Goal will be to increase awareness about relevant health sciences library science research in Taiwan among health sciences librarians in the US. Increased awareness of library-related research in Taiwan potentially will improve systematic reviews for all health sciences librarians.Item 2004年IFLA年會論文摘要(中國圖書館學會, 2004-12-01) 陳昭珍Item 2006年數位典藏國家型科技計畫參加紐約授權展計畫(2005/11-2006/10) 陳昭珍; 陳雪華; 簡怡雯; 項潔; 陳文華Item 「2007年IASL年會暨研討會」成果報告(中華民國圖書館學會, 2007-12-01) 陳昭珍Item 2009年國際圖書館協會聯盟(IFLA)米蘭年會紀要(中華民國圖書館學會, 2009-12-01) 賴麗香; 鄭寶梅; 吳美美; 彭慰Item 2010圖書資訊學蛻變與創新國際研討會--「學術界對圖書資訊學教育及學科發展之觀察與期許」論壇特載(國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2011-10-01) 陳志銘; 謝吉隆; 邱銘心; 阮明淑; 宋雪芳; 蘇小鳳; 藍文欽; 黃元鶴Item 2010圖書資訊學蛻變與創新國際研討會--「學術界對圖書資訊學教育及學科發展之觀察與期許」論壇特載(國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2011-10-01) 陳志銘; 謝吉隆; 邱銘心; 阮明淑; 宋雪芳; 蘇小鳳; 藍文欽; 黃元鶴Item 30至49歲女性乳癌患者之資訊焦慮與因應行為研究(2024) 高曼容; Gao, Man-Rong根據衛服部數據統計,30至49歲女性乳癌發生人數逐年上升,隨著網際網路的發達,網路也成為許多患者搜尋訊息的重要平台,獲取健康資訊的管道也逐漸多樣化。透過網際網路,資訊取得相對便利,女性乳癌患者除了從醫生獲得權威建議與診療策略之外,還會額外尋求相關的醫學知識與治療模式,期待醫護專家滿足她們多元的資訊需求,然而患者主動尋找資訊時容易遇上困難,同時搜尋到的資訊也會導致患者陷入篩選與理解的困境,造成患者的使用焦慮。因此,本研究目的為了解30至49歲女性乳癌患者者於確診時期所產生的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,以及其資訊尋求過程中產生資訊焦慮情境之原因與因應行為,期望從中發現減少資訊焦慮情境之方法,提供女性乳癌患者與相關醫療照護機構相關因應對策與較佳之資訊提供方式,以便未來衛教資訊建置與傳播的參考,減少健康資訊帶來負面感受的可能性,幫助女性乳癌患者妥善運用資訊,有效了解病情與治療方案,順利進行治療決策。本研究以30至49歲女性乳癌患者為研究對象,透過半結構式訪談法結合關鍵事件法來搜集資料,總共訪談13位患者。研究結果發現,30至49歲女性乳癌患者確診後會主動了解自身疾病與治療方式等相關健康資訊,資訊需求與管道多元,因網際網路的普遍性與社群媒體的便利性,健康資訊與病友群體間的交流更加便利,互動頻率增加,內容也較豐富多元。當資訊尋求過程中遭遇資訊超載、資訊知能缺乏、外在壓力與龐雜的資訊管道上述四種困境與挫折時,容易引發資訊焦慮,造成心理負擔。從中發現患者們因此產生資訊焦慮因應行為包括迴避資訊、相信專業醫療人員、專注現病程階段所需資訊而不過度發散、病友關係支持與實踐健康資訊內容。本研究分析研究結果後提出以下結論:30至49歲女性乳癌患者的健康資訊需求以了解自身病情與治療方法為主,獲取資訊的管道多元,使用網際網路與社群媒體能獲取更多健康資訊以利後續治療決策,病友支持關係是乳癌患者的重要資訊來源之一,提供具體病程經驗的同時也會帶來負面資訊,形成資訊焦慮因素。資訊超載、資訊知能缺乏、負面資訊、外在壓力和龐雜的資訊管道是促成資訊焦慮的因素,乳癌患者藉由主動迴避過量資訊、病友支持關係與信任專業醫療人員的因應行為,能緩解資訊焦慮。最終,根據研究結果建議30至49歲乳癌女性患者增進自身資訊能力與資訊知能;醫療院所擔任患者們的資訊嚮導,整合患者所需的資訊;建議政府單位改善補助制度措施,惠及年輕乳癌群體。Item [95年]圖書館團體(國家圖書館, 2007-12-01) 陳昭珍; 郭美蘭; 陳詩媛; 楊美華; 林光美; 張簡誌誠; 陳光華Item A Chinese MARC-Oriented Study on the Establishment Feasibility of the East Asian MARC System(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1985-04-??) Nancy Ou-lan(Hu) ChouItem A Citation Data Analysis of JCR-Covered Journals in Geosciences(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2002-04-??) Shengli Ren; Ronald RousseauThis article describes some indicators provided by ISI’s Journal citation Reports (edition 1998) for the field of geosciences. This field is subdivided in twenty categories. Average values of the journal impact factor, total number of citations, immediacy index, and the number of source items are given and discussed. It is concluded that these indicators have lower values than the average journals covered by the JCR.Item A Cost-Effective Virtual Reference Service:(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-04-??) Arthur HendricksWhile a number of articles about electronic reference have been written, most are from the point of view of the librarian. Very few, if any, deal with user feedback regarding electronic reference. This article offers a review of the feedback received from surveying users of the Portland State University (PSU) Library’s email-based electronic reference service, and discusses the current status and future trends of virtual reference.Item A Darker Side of Human Information Behavior in the Workplace: a Call for Research on Workplace Bullying Information Behavior(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2016-04-??) Diane H. SonnenwaldItem A Look at Copyright: The Past and Likely Future(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1976-04-??) Edward G. HolleyItem A New Course of Action for Computer Assisted Instruction(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1992-04-??) Nancy NewinsItem A Question of Accessibility(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2010-10-??) Jennine Knight; Cheryl King理論上,資訊自由取得的概念是理想的,其因為民主制度正保證了資訊自由流通。然而這樣的情形在實務上卻很少發生,尤其少見於不同的階層與群體間,及不同的地域間。障礙或阻礙資訊流通的因素繁多,本文探討了一些自由流動資訊的主要障礙,並提出使用科技來減輕或消除這些障礙的方法。Item A Study of the Effect of a Major Breakthrough in Superconductivity in the Distribution of Papers of Major Journals(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1991-10-??) Cecilla J. Wang; Brian B. CarpenterItem A Survey Report of Public Library Services to Asian Americans(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1977-10-??) The Ad Hoc Committee,AALCItem A Universal Concept for the Systematic Arrangement of Static Data(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1988-10-??) Israel Borovits