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Item 中壢龍岡穆斯林的離散認同與文化地景(2012) 陳書偉伊斯蘭信仰中,清真寺與穆斯林社群間的關係相當密切,連結穆斯林的信仰、思想、教育、生活與行為,是社群發展的核心。目前臺灣的清真寺,分佈於臺北、桃園、臺中、臺南與高雄等地,各個清真寺的發展多是透過中國回教協會(簡稱回協)的主導與支助,而桃園中壢龍岡清真寺在其建立過程卻是一種由下而上的力量、透過教親的集資集力建造而成。當初成立清真寺的教親多是1953、1954年自大陸滇、緬地區的撤退部隊,為了宗教的需要而選擇在龍岡忠貞新村建立清真寺。 時日推移,龍岡地區也陸陸續續有許多的泰國緬甸華僑穆斯林在此聚居,溯其淵源,這些華僑絕大部分是雲南籍華人的後裔,經過更為周折的歷程,聚居泰緬,再輾轉到臺灣。他們或為求學、或為工作、或為依親,逐漸形成今日龍岡穆斯林聚落的主體。此外,東南亞外籍勞工、國外留學生或商人等群體的逗留,也成為龍岡地區穆斯林文化另一股注入的新力量。來自各地的離散群體(diaspora groups)承載著不同的文化背景、離散經驗與認同,這些離散群體在龍岡這個地方創造出屬於自己的文化空間,對此文化空間有著不同的詮釋與認知。 本研究從龍岡穆斯林離散的歷程,描繪出討論穆斯林文化在龍岡地區的空間化與地方化,透過宗教這個媒介(medium)進而塑造出來的文化空間或文化地景的書寫,並說明穆斯林離散空間的形塑是一種關係空間的建立,同時也是克服空間障礙的過程,穆斯林必須採用各種變通方式與策略性認同的建立來維繫社群的穩定,妥協與調適的作法得以使社群網絡穩定與擴大,地理距離不再是決定關係串聯的必要因素。Item 桃園縣埤塘的環境識覺研究-以高中生及其父母為例(2014) 盧佳琳桃園境內埤塘是公認的重要地景。在早期農業社會,埤塘是桃園縣境內重要的灌溉設施,全盛期高達近萬口;隨著臺灣經濟發展,桃園成為工業大縣,隨之而來的都市化,住宅林立,農地減少,埤塘的灌溉功能已漸漸不重要,埤塘面臨存廢的兩難,許多埤塘被填平作為住宅、工商用地。近年來國人觀光風氣興盛,地方政府大力推動埤塘活化計畫,將埤塘改造成生態示範埤塘、休閒公園等用途。 地理學裡的人地傳統一直是地理學家對於地表上各種地理現象的探討的重要觀點之一。本研究調查桃園縣內埤塘的發展現況,並以問卷調查方式蒐集桃園縣境內高中生對於埤塘的環境識覺,更進一步探討其父母對於埤塘的環境識覺,藉由高中生及其父母之間差異來探討高中生之環境識覺養成是否與父母之教養因素有關聯。研究方法採用量化為主配合深度訪談的研究方式,先進行問卷設計並抽樣取得有效問卷390份,再與十名高中學生進行深入訪談調查學生接觸埤塘經驗與感受。問卷調查部分進行描述性統計、T檢定分析、單因子變異數、卡方檢定。 研究結果顯示,桃園縣高中生最早認識埤塘的主要管道為學校教育,主要從國中社會科與高中地理科教師的教學內容知道埤塘的灌溉功能與生態價值,更進一步認同埤塘有存在的必要。調查發現影響高中生的埤塘環境識覺的因素有「居住地有無埤塘」、「接觸埤塘的頻率」、「家長是否從事農業生產」,這些變項皆會影響高中生、其父母對於埤塘的認知。即居住地有埤塘、接觸頻率高、家裡從事農耕的高中生與父母輩對於埤塘相關知識的環境識覺皆較高,對照文獻探討關於環境識覺的論述,環境與人之間的互動會使環境識覺受影響,在此得到應證。 再者,本研究發現桃園縣高中生與其父母對於埤塘的環境識覺中,凝聚出「鄉村埤塘應作保留灌溉與綠化保存,都市埤塘應改造休閒公園」的集體共識,顯示現代居民對綠地空間的需求及環境保育觀念有一定素質,這些被形塑出來的環境識覺進而影響居民期待這些埤塘被規劃成何種用途。本研究結果可提供相關單位規劃埤塘的方向,以達到永續發展目標。Item 宜蘭縣空間特色形塑之政治經濟研究(2013) 鄭俊彥光復後,台灣依循發展主義振興經濟勵精圖治,在政治、制度的改革及經濟建設下,台灣晉身亞洲四小龍之列,更成為許多開發中國家的典範,寫下「台灣經濟奇蹟」。 追隨工業化、現代化的中央政府主導台灣區域發展,北部區域為政治、經濟、交通中心之所在,成為重點區域,更成為全國的發展龍頭,然而同屬於區域發展分區中北部區域的宜蘭,卻在台灣經濟發展列車中缺席。綜合開發計畫更明白揭示宜蘭發展的走向:農業、地方資源型工業,國家以整體結構力量宰制宜蘭的發展地位,宜蘭未能展現出自己,更被貼上「落後」的標籤。 隨著政權的轉移,陳定南打破國民黨長期執政局面,宜蘭開始走向不同的發展之路,在地能動力就此甦醒。從「環保立縣」、「觀光立縣」等政策的推動,公開反對中央所推動或支持的建設,讓宜蘭出現不一樣的地景樣貌。繼任的游錫堃,更以文化治理為施政主軸,帶領宜蘭成為全台生活品質滿意度最高的縣市,更透過各項文化活動,將宜蘭推向國際,徹底翻轉宜蘭早期落後的印象。 地景能反應出歷史的記錄及時代的變遷。在區域內各種力量互動交織的過程亦能透過地景所呈現。宜蘭縣的區域特色,便是由中央政府的主導力量與在地力量反動所形塑的結果。政治變遷過程影響地方發展的方向,在全台各縣市當中,宜蘭是相當特殊且顯著的案例,而這也反應出宜蘭的特殊性,宜蘭所展現出的區域特色,多與其在地能動力量有關,如反污染重視環保、以文化為立縣治理主軸、在地特色文化充分展現等。而這些特色亦反應在地景當中,例如:武荖坑風景區、冬山河親水公園、運動公園、各社區總體營造及觀光工廠等 本文從宜蘭政治變遷的過程中,討論中央結構力量的影響以及地方政權反動的勢力,如何共同作用於宜蘭地表,形塑出宜蘭的地景樣貌。並以文獻回顧分析、參與觀察及深入訪談等研究方法,透過結構主義、結構化歷程、文化治理等角度,解讀地景形塑的脈絡,探討宜蘭空間特色與政治經濟間的關係。Item 臺南東山山村生計活動與景觀之變遷(地理學系, 2014-05-??) 林思婷; 張峻嘉; Ssu-Ting Lin; Chun-Chia Chang本文主要在探討東山山村地表景觀及生計活動變遷的過程,及其背後的影響因素。一地區原本人地平衡的生計活動,面臨外部環境改變的刺激時,地表景觀及生計活動也會隨之因應調整。除此之外,由於地區內各地原本的自然及人文環境不完全相同,使得外部環境的影響程度亦不同,而讓不同地區生計活動轉型程度有所差異。自日治時期開始,有許多政策及外部因素,如農產品價格的改變、臺灣經濟環境轉變所造成的勞力外移、農業政策的推廣等,影響著東山山村的生計活動,使原本自給自足的多樣化生計活動,漸漸趨向果樹專業區的生產模式。近年來臺灣的第一級產業面對外來農產品的競爭,及觀光休閒產業的興起,紛紛轉型與休閒產業結合,東山亦加入了此一產業轉型的潮流,舉行節慶並配合當地的觀光資源,希望為農業為主的東山帶來觀光遊憩的人潮。東山山村地表景觀及生計活動可依主要農作而分為四期,依序為水稻甘蔗雜糧期、甘蔗果樹栽種期、果樹栽種期及休閒農業萌芽期。整體而言,地表景觀及生計方式都是由多樣化漸漸轉變為專業化。Item The Lily Pool, the Mirrors, and the Outsiders(英語學系, 2012-03-??) Ching-fang TsengWritten against the historical context of the threats of fascism and World War II, Between the Acts’s portrayal of rural England that highlights its traditional way of life, the everlasting rural landscape, and the pageant then in vogue seemingly echoes the prevailing national imagination during the war-crisis years. Rather than replicating the nostalgic ruralist vision of England on the verge of war, the novel not only furthers Woolf’s critique of the dictators in England in Three Guineas, but also enacts the essay’s visionary idea of the “Outsiders’ Society” in the setting of the English country. A prominent figure in Between the Acts is the cultivated observer in rural England, who is there to apprehend landscape as well as the universal evolutionary order. Encapsulating the ocularized social power of the ruling landowning class, he embodies Englishness and “civilization” as the apex of the developmental progress of humankind. Woolf responds to such Englishness by positing episodes in the novel involving La Trobe’s village pageant. The pageant invokes an “Outsiders’ Society” composed of heterogeneous, anonymous private spectators in resistance to the hegemonic perception of the gentry-audience, thus making the latter think home landscape, “Ourselves,” and civilization in a different light. At the same time, the “Outsiders’ Society” is also enacted through Between the Acts’s multi-layered, open-ended, and self-reflexive form, which disallows closure and totality of meaning and predominance of the authorial vision.Item Cultural Geography and Tourism Seen by Tourism Policy of Taiwan(地理學系, 2013-11-??) Kyu-Won KimToday, the concept of ‘Culture’ is everywhere. It is in field of economy, politics, industry and even in agriculture of which is originated in meaning. It became a kind of symbolic value to all field of profession as panacea of development. On the other side, the concept and practice of ‘Tourism’ is becoming one of the fastest growing industry and widely spread ‘way of life’ in the world. As for industry, the WTO esteem that the ‘Exports of tourism services generated $1,093 billion in 2010, or 30% of total world exports of services ($3,670 billion) (Vellas, 2011; 12)’. And together, ‘cultural tourism’ is perched as a new, fresh and powerful global trend, rather than Mass tourism which relied mostly on land planning and construction of infrastructure. The Cultural tourism is not only related to some cultural resources but also diverse environmental issues, ethnic policy, democracy and economic development. Otherwise, since the beginning of field of geography, each physical and humane geography has been deeply related each other especially in terms of ‘culture’ and ‘landscape’. In terms of Cultural Tourism, invention, management, and promotion of ‘culture’ and ‘landscape’ is a key factor of policy and marketing in these days. In that case, vice et versa, the ‘cultural tourism’ who deals physical, natural and cultural resources could be a new field where an academic ‘consilience’ along physical and human geography could be achieved, and also dimension of application of geography could be broaden. In this paper I would like to search new horizon of cultural tourism by observing Tourism Policy in Taiwan.Item The Lily Pool, the Mirrors, and the Outsiders(英語學系, 2012-03-??) Ching-fang TsengWritten against the historical context of the threats of fascism and World War II, Between the Acts’s portrayal of rural England that highlights its traditional way of life, the everlasting rural landscape, and the pageant then in vogue seemingly echoes the prevailing national imagination during the war-crisis years. Rather than replicating the nostalgic ruralist vision of England on the verge of war, the novel not only furthers Woolf’s critique of the dictators in England in Three Guineas, but also enacts the essay’s visionary idea of the “Outsiders’ Society” in the setting of the English country. A prominent figure in Between the Acts is the cultivated observer in rural England, who is there to apprehend landscape as well as the universal evolutionary order. Encapsulating the ocularized social power of the ruling landowning class, he embodies Englishness and “civilization” as the apex of the developmental progress of humankind. Woolf responds to such Englishness by positing episodes in the novel involving La Trobe’s village pageant. The pageant invokes an “Outsiders’ Society” composed of heterogeneous, anonymous private spectators in resistance to the hegemonic perception of the gentry-audience, thus making the latter think home landscape, “Ourselves,” and civilization in a different light. At the same time, the “Outsiders’ Society” is also enacted through Between the Acts’s multi-layered, open-ended, and self-reflexive form, which disallows closure and totality of meaning and predominance of the authorial vision.