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時日推移,龍岡地區也陸陸續續有許多的泰國緬甸華僑穆斯林在此聚居,溯其淵源,這些華僑絕大部分是雲南籍華人的後裔,經過更為周折的歷程,聚居泰緬,再輾轉到臺灣。他們或為求學、或為工作、或為依親,逐漸形成今日龍岡穆斯林聚落的主體。此外,東南亞外籍勞工、國外留學生或商人等群體的逗留,也成為龍岡地區穆斯林文化另一股注入的新力量。來自各地的離散群體(diaspora groups)承載著不同的文化背景、離散經驗與認同,這些離散群體在龍岡這個地方創造出屬於自己的文化空間,對此文化空間有著不同的詮釋與認知。
The mosque in Islam plays an important role in connecting the religious rites, norms, education, behavior and everyday life. It is also the center of the linkage in Muslin communities. There are only 6 mosques In Taiwan, located in Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung. In Taiwan, the establishment of the mosque is mostly supported by the Chinese Muslim association. The establishment of a local Mosque in Jhongli City, displayed a bottom-up strength of local Muslims, who were mostly Yunnan-Myanmar border troops retreated from China in 1953-54. The second wave of local Muslim immigrants is overseas Chinese Muslims from Thailand and Myanmar, most of whom are descendants of Yunnan Chinese. They came here mainly for education, work or better living conditions. They become the majority members of the local Muslim community. The third wave of Muslim newcomers are foreign laborers, foreign students and merchants from the Southeast Asia, who come here within last decade. The diaspora groups from anywhere have their own culture backgrounds, experiences of diaspora and identities. Owing to the Muslim ethnical identities, the landscape of Jhongli Lungang shows the combination of the collisions, conflicts, adjustments and the special identities of Muslim. Furthermore, these Muslims created their new identities and subjectivities. The paper aims to document how these diaspora groups have formed their typical culture spaces and explain how a distinctive process of spatialization and localization of Muslim culture was made possible by different groups of Muslim immigrants. The results of this study indicate that diaspora space in Lungang Muslim community is a process of establishing relational space. In order to overcome the constraints and conflicts in Taiwan society, Muslims try to keep the community stable and expand their relational network by compromising with the religious doctrines and shaping the strategic identities. Physical limits for them are not dominant factors anymore.
The mosque in Islam plays an important role in connecting the religious rites, norms, education, behavior and everyday life. It is also the center of the linkage in Muslin communities. There are only 6 mosques In Taiwan, located in Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung. In Taiwan, the establishment of the mosque is mostly supported by the Chinese Muslim association. The establishment of a local Mosque in Jhongli City, displayed a bottom-up strength of local Muslims, who were mostly Yunnan-Myanmar border troops retreated from China in 1953-54. The second wave of local Muslim immigrants is overseas Chinese Muslims from Thailand and Myanmar, most of whom are descendants of Yunnan Chinese. They came here mainly for education, work or better living conditions. They become the majority members of the local Muslim community. The third wave of Muslim newcomers are foreign laborers, foreign students and merchants from the Southeast Asia, who come here within last decade. The diaspora groups from anywhere have their own culture backgrounds, experiences of diaspora and identities. Owing to the Muslim ethnical identities, the landscape of Jhongli Lungang shows the combination of the collisions, conflicts, adjustments and the special identities of Muslim. Furthermore, these Muslims created their new identities and subjectivities. The paper aims to document how these diaspora groups have formed their typical culture spaces and explain how a distinctive process of spatialization and localization of Muslim culture was made possible by different groups of Muslim immigrants. The results of this study indicate that diaspora space in Lungang Muslim community is a process of establishing relational space. In order to overcome the constraints and conflicts in Taiwan society, Muslims try to keep the community stable and expand their relational network by compromising with the religious doctrines and shaping the strategic identities. Physical limits for them are not dominant factors anymore.
穆斯林, 離散, 認同, 文化地景, 遷移, diaspora, landscape, identity, Muslims, migration