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Item 社會文化變遷衝擊聚落發展過程之研究─以新北市金山區為例(2013) 李鴻謀本論文旨在探究新北市金山區於社會文化變遷中衝擊聚落發展過程之始末。第一章為緒論,說明本論文的研究方法-除了相關文獻的探討外,本研究是以田野調查、深度訪談、實際參與觀察為主軸。蒐集到的資料經彙整後,做為論述與質性分析的基礎。第二章經由了解金山區地理環境與人文歷史的特色,進一步探究:(1)先住民和後移民的關聯性。(2)聚落的形成。第三章乃回溯至清領時期與日治年代,金山區的行政區劃分沿革與原初型聚落,以及二戰後聚落類型的區分與分佈略圖。第四章是探討在地文化變遷對聚落的衝擊-以芑豐居(單一的特色聚落)為例,先詳實論述其沿革,次言興衰變遷,再介紹其保存之文物,前述另輔以圖文對照說明。所建立之資料,既可對內傳承,對外亦能為其他聚落之範式。另有文史工作者對該建築形制和雕刻物寓意的銓釋,更加彰顯聚落文化資產特色。進而再擴大論及金山區經濟活動的發展歷程以及婚喪禮俗的演變,來印證經濟因素與社會文化變遷,對各聚落產生變化之衝擊。第五章則針對外來開發與台北縣改制後分別對聚落所造成的影響,此二大議題對地方人士進行訪談。為求臻公允、客觀,採行察納正反意見,彙整後具體呈現其表述,以符反映實情。同時全文總計收載100餘張圖表,期供各界賢達鑑古知今。本論文更冀望有司能予納參,用以制定政策復振興盛聚落,強化其功能,永續保存既有的文化資產,積極推展城鄉新風貌,營造新北市一區一特色的願景,為活化聚落帶來新契機。Item 隱身現代社會的平埔族親 ─以板橋地區為例(2015) 邱永昌; CHIU,Yung-Chang板橋舊稱枋橋、擺接,位居台北盆地中央略偏南西的位置上,早期土壤肥沃溪渠遍布,農漁業蓬勃發展。板橋曾是昔日平埔族農、漁、獵生活場域,但在平埔族不斷接受外來化後,使許多傳統生活習俗逐漸消失,母語也因與異族通婚而慢慢流失。更在執政者刻意的「賜姓」、「漢化」政策下,與異族混居相互通婚後,板橋地區的平埔族就如同幽靈般,默默隱身在血緣、文化融合的漢人社會人海裡。 板橋在早期文獻中有不少關於擺接社、武朥灣社與漢人互動的記載,現在這些平埔族後裔,卻未出現在復振社會運動的行列中。他們的態度是如何?藉著田野調查探訪社後、港仔嘴等舊聚落,由此發掘平埔族後裔現今對血緣、文化的真正想法與感受! 平埔族群在歷經西荷、明鄭、清領、日治與國民政府大中國沙文主義等的多重殖民統治下,雖身處現今的多元論述時代,殖民者也已遠離,但平埔族裔在長久歷史污名化與備受歧視的自卑感下,不願承認自己是這塊土地原先主人的現象,甚至更有平埔族後裔誤認自己的祖先為漢人,一併用歧視的認知來看待原住民族群,筆者即針對這些影響平埔文化復振運動的族群自我認同現實予以論述。 居住板橋30餘年來,筆者於生活中親近板橋發現它的豐富多元,探究板橋發掘它保留的原始淳樸。而現今社會硬體建設日新月異,藝術人文浪漫風流,古蹟、文史在時間浸淫下卻多未得到應有的尊重、保留,將逐漸消逝於新世代眼前、銷熔在舊世代的記憶裡。而這些資訊是需要傳承需要保留的,不是將來僅從數位典藏去憑弔! 惋惜!Item 臺灣西部沿海區域發展模式之探討--新竹市油車港地區的個案研究(國立新竹師範學院社會科教育學系, 2003-07-01) 韋煙灶作者以「臺灣西部沿海地形演變與聚落發展模式」來架構出研究區基本的人人生態環境構造,將自然環境的動態演變特質,對應到區域發展上,藉以釐清新竹市油車港地區「人—地關係」的動態辯證過程。作者最終的研究目的是:藉由這樣的人—地辯證過程的個案研究,提出對影響臺灣西部沿海地區的聚落發展、人文景觀與區域發展的動力來源提供解釋架構。 油車港位於新竹平原向海方向的最突出部,開發之初,相對於新竹平原的內陸區域,它是屬於農業土地而用的邊陲地帶,使得區內的聚落的創建年代比核心區(竹塹城)晚了31-100年,農業生態環境的邊陲性,阻礙了它的開發時程。就區域發展的區位具有:西臨潟湖、東靠平原、沿海浮復地持續地陸化等特質。這樣的人文生態環境,一方面處處潛藏著洪水威脅的危機,謀生艱困;另一方面當地居民卻能運用人為力量及當也風土,逐步地改造人文生態環境,並向海擴張生活領域,將劣勢轉變為機會,逐漸建構出一個具有多元發展潛力的人文生態環境。總而言之,油車港地區雖屬於新竹沖積平原的範圍,卻展現相當異於位居新竹平原內陸區域的人文生態特質,亦即具有區域獨特性。Item 中國聚落稱謂續編(地理學系, 1990-03-??) 丁驌As a sequel to the previous paper so named (Studies in Geog 7., p. 128-170) 1983, this paper discussed further the c1assificationof settlements. The lists of individual names were expanded from 171 to 338. The occurrences of compound nomenclature through demographic growth as well as political status were also discussed. Nomenclature of settlements in the provinces of Honan, Kwangtung, Fukien and Taiwan including areas of Canton, Amoy, Hainan Island, Tsung-yi of Kwei-chow were also included. The major conclusions were: 1) Settlement names of Fukien, Kwangtung and Taiwan are historically related through immigration of Chinese people into Taiwan. 2) Two ethnic groups of people must have come from the north into northern Kwangtung and from there migrated eastward into Fukien and westward into the southwest of China and into Vietnam. 3) The distribution of certain names such as Kon (坑), Hsu (墟), Hsi (漢), Ping (坪), Fong (坊) were found to reflect topographical control. 4) Certain nomenclature in Taiwan were a result of Chinese rendering of local dialects. The Chinese character thus created carried only the original sound and not the meaning. Popula?tion growth and political influence of the past forty years had also created new settlement names reflecting these changes. Two special terminalogy: the Kuan (關) and the Kou (口) meaning Gates and Passes were found to indicate the movement of Chinese from north to south especially since the Han dynasty.Item 洛杉磯大都會一個市郊聚落演化之探討(地理學系, 1988-03-??) 孟靜Metrepolitan system is the main spatial organization of human society its structural function will operate the efficiency of spatial management the intensity of spatial complemen?tary and the suitable use of spatial resources. Usually, the central city with the diffusion of transportation network will spread outward constantly, finally, the central city and its suburbs combine into a large-scale integrated social-economic unit. It is necessary to consider the process of changes in human environment and social organization occuring around central cities and to focus on the independent outlying communities which are growing rapidly. Cerritos is the fastest growing city of the 98 cities in Los Angeles County since 1970, this city established itself as a master-planned community, up to now, it has already become one of the well-developed community and a diversified human society. Cerritos is just located in the heart of Los Angeles Metropolis, it takes advantage of the access of high integration of transportation network (freeways and their interchanges) to travel hundreds of point in LA Metropolis within half an hour. Due to high accessibity and a lot of vacant lands, during 1969 and 1973, there were 13,626 new houses built, extremely in1970-71, the buildings were up to 6,190 which accounted for 70% of Los Angeles County total new single-family houses in same years. Under the guideline of master plans, Cerritos has developed a basically residential community balanced with commercial and industrial facilities. The City keeps a strict land zoining of economic activity, rather large-scale shopping center than business strip. In benefit of well-developed public service and place utility, so a great deal of population and business moved in. Noticeably, its overall taxable retail sales was $1.5 billion in 1985, which is the second highest of 85 Los Angeles county cities. In the recent 10 years, the social structure of Cerritos has changed rapidly,Item The Change of Settlement Pattern in Chia-Nan Area, Taiwan(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1980-06-??) 陳芳惠Item 中國聚落稱謂(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1983-10-??) 丁驌Item 一個市郊聚落的更新與整合(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1989-12-??) 孟靜