
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73058


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    Finding Common Ground
    (2014/02/28-03/01) 胡宗文; Hu, Zongwen
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    (2014/05/26-28) 胡宗文; Hu, Zongwen
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    Ancient Greek in Modern Taiwan
    (2012/11/23-24) 胡宗文; Hu, Zongwen
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    Kinship Metaphors in Aeschylus
    (2014/06/04-05) 胡宗文; Hu, Zongwen
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    (2013/10/26-27) 胡宗文; Hu, Zongwen
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    (2012/08-2013/07) 汝明麗; 蔡介立
    Eye tracking has been an important research method in the field of psychology for decades. Through eye tracking, the researcher can monitor and record the subjects’ eye movements in a relatively natural setting so as to gain a deeper understanding of the subjects’ physiological responses and corresponding cognitive activities when performing a specific task (Lee, 2007). Similar efforts have been made in the field of interpreting studies, where research on the interpreter’s cognitive loading in performing sight translation (ST) and simultaneous interpretation (SI) has emerged and gained momentum since the 1980s. Consecutive interpretation (CI), however, seems to be an exception as no researcher has attempted to apply eye-tracking to the study of CI or CI note-taking, for that matter. One possible explanation for such absence may have to do with the fact that CI notes tend to be highly personal, varying from one interpreter to another in terms of the specific content, layout, format and language choice of the notes, and are inevitably influenced by factors such as the language pairs and types of discourses in question. However, such an omission prevents the teaching of CI and CI note-taking from gaining a solid empirical foundation, and leaves CI education contingent upon the instructor’s personal experiences, whether as a former interpreter trainee or a fully fledged practitioner. This study aims to apply eye-tracking to verify the validity of a couple of CI note-taking principles introduced in most CI related literature: 1. A vertical layout of the notes is preferable to a horizontal one, and 2. Notes are preferably taken in the target language than in the source language. It is hoped that this research will help to proffer empirical evidence for the instruction of CI note-taking and at the same time to shed light on the cognitive loading of deciphering CI notes.
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    (2011/08-2012/07) 汝明麗
    自1990年代後期開始,國內高等教育開始出現學程化課程的概念,希冀打破過去以各學系主導之課程設計模式,讓學生有機會修習跨領域的課程,培養跨領域的通才能力,以因應整體社會、經濟快速變遷與多元發展的趨勢。同樣在過去10餘年間,翻譯課程也在各大專校院如雨後春筍般興起,除了六間翻譯系所之外,全國共計44所英/外文系與75所應用英/外語系中,也有99個系同時開設口筆譯課程。而為了配合前述培養跨領域人才的教育目標,部分翻譯和英/外語系所開始推出翻譯學程,開放非英/外語系的大學生與研究生選修。這些跨系翻譯學程的簡介中多強調培養跨領域人才與專業翻譯能力,但究竟針對非翻譯/外語背景的修課同學,翻譯學程的定位、教學目標及內涵應如何設計,目前尚未見相關的檢討與研究。本計劃從管理學中人力資源管理的能力(competence)概念出發,採用Spencer & Spencer (1993)的能力冰山模型來檢視目前各跨系翻譯學程的定位、目標與內涵。根據Spencer & Spencer (1993)的能力冰山模型,能力可以區分為五種基本特質:動機、特質、自我概念、知識以及技巧。其中動機與特質,往往潛藏於冰山底部,較不易探知、發展與評估。而知識與技能則浮於海面上,屬於看得見、也較容易藉由訓練來發展的特質。介於這兩層之間,潛伏於海面下的則是自我概念(價值觀、態度)。本計劃擬兼採量性與質性的研究方法,首先蒐集相關文獻、各大專校院的跨系翻譯學程資料做現況分析,其次採用問卷調查修課學生對課程定位、目標的認知,並藉由預試(pilot test)及統計方法來確保問卷的信度。之後再進行質性訪談,邀請跨系翻譯學程課程規劃委員以及非語言科系的修課同學就課程定位、目標與內涵交換意見,以補強量化問卷結果不足之處,並提昇整體研究計畫的效度。根據調查與訪談結果,本計劃將就目前已設置的跨系翻譯學程做一初步的評估,並提出具體建議,提升此等課程的教學成果。