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Item 特殊教育科技建設研究(1998-11-30) 吳武典; 王華沛Item 中文閱讀成分與歷程模式之建立及其在實務上之應用---評量與診斷、課程與教材、學習與教學---語文科電腦輔助學習教材統整研究(I)(1999-07-31) 王華沛Item 殘障者電腦溝通之替代性鍵盤及滑鼠---子計畫II:身心障礙者電腦輔助輸出入界面需求分析與系統選擇之研究(2000-07-31) 王華沛Item 子計畫一:多媒體輸出模式促進視障與學障學生閱讀理解成效之研究(2001-07-31) 江文雄; 王華沛Item 特殊教育需求學生電腦化學習環境之整合性研究---網路個別化教育計畫系統開發與應用分析(2003-07-31) 王華沛Item 以身心障礙者為中心的職務再設計(2004-01-01) 邱滿艷Item 身心障礙者居家就業服務工作手冊(臺北市:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局。, 2005-01-01) 周二銘; 黃慶鑽; 邱滿艷; 林進興; 張英樹; 洪嘉玲Item 精神障礙者就業服務工作手冊(臺北市:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局。, 2005-01-01) 孔繁鐘; 陳淑芳; 王嘉蕙; 邱滿艷; 周美華; 呂淑貞; 騰西華; 黃慶鑽等Item 從服務提供者觀點探討我國身心障礙者職務再設計措施(行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局, 2005-07-01) 邱滿艷; 韓福榮Item 自閉症者就業服務工作手冊(臺北市:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局。, 2006-01-01) 王華沛; 邱滿艷; 胡心慈; 郝佳華; 陳靜江; 陳玉琴; 曹純瓊; 鈕文英; 鳳華; 劉玉燕Item Keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy.(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.The purpose of this study is to systematically investigate the effects of keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy. Twelve children aged from 7 to 15 years old participated in this study. Keyboard adaptation strategies were developed based on the individualized assessments. A group comparison experimental design was selected to examine the effectiveness of keyboard adaptations. Speed and accuracy of typing Chinese were compared before and after keyboard adaptations. The results indicated that children with cerebral palsy did increase their typing performance after implementing keyboard adaptation strategies. The results of this study can provide health and educational profession a reference when serving children with physical disabilities.Item An alternative Chinese keyboard layout design for single-digit typists.(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Chen, M. C.; Wu, T. F.This study designed an alternative Chinese keyboard layout for single-digit typists and evaluated the efficacy of this innovative layout design. The new eight row by five column keyboard layout was designed based on the principles of alternative keyboard design. Eight college students with proficient keyboarding were involved in this study. The repeated measurement experimental design was used to compare the speed and accuracy of keystroke among the four different keyboard patterns: QWERTY, Alternative, Revised-QWERTY, and Random-Alternative. The experimental results indicated that the subjects’ typing speed is fastest when utilizing the QWERTY layout (63.86 symbols/minute), followed by the Alternative (56.02 symbols/minute), Revised QWERTY (53.39 symbols/minute) and the Random-Alternative keyboard (49.94 symbols/minute). There is no significant difference among QWERTY, Alternative, Revised-QWERTY, and Random-Alternative layouts on the subjects’ typing accuracy. The possible causes of the unpredicted results and suggestions for further studies were discussed.Item 自閉症者就業服務工作手冊(行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局, 2006-01-01) 王華沛; 邱滿艷; 胡心慈; 郝佳華; 陳靜江; 陳玉琴; 曹純瓊; 紐文英; 鳳華; 劉玉燕Item Computerized assessment approach for evaluation computer interaction performance.(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Chen, M. C.; Chu, C. N.; Wu, T. F.; Yeh, C. C.This study presents a computerized assessment approach for evaluating a subject’s pointing and selecting proficiency using computer input tools, to aid access tool selection for users with severe disabilities. The CAT system consists of three subsystems. The CAT system not only provides clinicians with an objective means of evaluating clients’ specific mouse operating difficulties, but also allows them to compare the performance improvement made by a client make during the device selection and training period. The client’s performance in each assessment task is assessed on the basis of speed, accuracy and efficiency. Besides introducing the CAT system, this study also describes an example of adopting the CAT system to assist a client to select a suitable pointing device.Item 肢體障礙者數位落差特性暨改善方案之研究---子計畫一:腦性麻痺患者無障礙電腦操作環境之建立(I)(2006-05-30) 吳亭芳; 王華沛Item 台灣在家教育身心障礙學生網路學習之探究(2006-06-05) 吳雅萍; 王華沛Item 白血病學童運用 MSN 進行居家遠距學習之個案研究(2006-06-05) 王華沛; 徐衍正Item 發展性協調疾患學童知覺特質之探討(2006-07-31) 吳亭芳; 張雅如; 徐永玟協調的動作能力是兒童在從事遊戲、學習及日常生活中不可缺乏的,然而發展性協 調疾患孩童(Developmental Coordination Disorder, 簡稱DCD)由於缺乏動作協調性, 以致於妨礙其學業表現或日常活動,甚至導致行為、心理、人際互動、學習成就差等相 關問題。根據美國精神醫學會的診斷手冊DSM-IV 認為DCD 是屬於發展相關的疾病, 盛行率在5-11 歲的學齡孩童中約為5-6%,以92 學年度,台灣國小學童人數約191 萬 人來推估,其中約有10 萬學童可能有DCD 的問題。 DCD 孩童的動作協調問題有多位學者提出可能是由於單一或多重知覺處理過程中 的缺陷而造成動作上的困難,其中又以視覺與運動覺相關的問題是最常被提及,因此本 研究之主要目的在於利用正常年齡配對兒童組與年幼孩童配對組作為DCD 孩童的對 照,採用團體比較法,深入分析DCD 孩童視覺與運動覺特質是偏離正常兒童發展或只 是發展上的遲緩。本研究將操弄四種研究情境,分別在動作起始位置提供視覺與運動覺 的線索,或要求孩童執行動作時張開或閉著眼睛,並利用人體動作分析系統,記錄孩童 在動作時的運動時間、移動距離、移動軌跡、移動速度、以及目標錯誤,藉此分析DCD 孩童在執行動作時對於視覺與運動覺的線索之運用。 本研究之研究結果將可提供未來相關研究的基礎,並可提供復健治療相關人員 DCD 孩童有關運動覺、視覺以及知覺整合等特質,有助於發展改善DCD 孩童動作障礙 的介入策略。Item 應用輔助性科技提昇大專弱視生閱讀效能之個案研究(中華民國特殊教育學會, 2006-12-01) 王華沛; 沈宜均; 吳姿儀; 吳欣潔; 柯雅馨