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Item 各國資訊教育課程實施概況及其對九年一貫資訊課程的啟示(中華民國課程與教學學會, 1999-10-01) 何榮桂; 吳正己; 賴錦緣; 籃玉如面對 21 世紀資訊時代的到來,資訊教育的發展普遍受到各國的重視:目前我國教育部草擬的九年一貫資訊課程,也希冀為台灣資訊教育的發展開創新藍圖。為使此課程的規劃更為周延而務實,本文探討各國資訊教育課程實施概況,並配合九年一貫資訊課程規劃草案,提出對九年一貫資訊課程實施與規劃的省思與建議,期使大家對九年一貫資訊教育課程的規劃有更進一步的思考。Item A computer curriculum guideline for junior high schools in Taiwan: Its impacts, and issues(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 1997-04-01) Chiou, Guey-Fa; Wu, Cheng-ChihA computer curriculum guideline for Taiwan junior high schools was announced in 1994 and will be nationally implemented in 1998. Due to the specific educational system in Taiwan, the guideline will affect computer textbook writing, computer teaching and learning, computer teachers' professional development, and computer education researches. This paper is to introduce the guideline, discuss its impacts, and describe issues. We believe that a mandatory curriculum guideline or standard is necessary for providing computer concepts and skills to all our next generations. A solid computer education research base should be established to provide usable and promising perspectives and strategies for computer education practices.