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Item 17分上大學(2007-04-09) 林美娟Item 3D Cube with Fisheye Views and its Application to Geographical Information Browsing(1994-05-27) Chen, Shan-bin; Chiou, Guey-Fa; Yeh, Yao-mingItem 95年資訊教育學門研究規劃推動計畫(2008-07-02) 張國恩本年度召集人工作重點,主要有例行之「各類申請案查之諮詢與審查」、「協助規劃推動資訊教育重點工作」、「成果發表與研究會議」三項,分述如下。壹、各類申請案審查之諮詢協助本處承辦人處理資訊教育(資訊教育、電腦輔助學習、網路科學教育)各類申請案之諮詢工作:1. 專題研究計畫:審查人推薦、經費核定、審查人審查品質評估。2. 進修案:審查人推薦、申請案審查。3. 出席國際會議、研討會、研習會、延攬人才:審查人推薦、審查。4. 大學生專題研究:審查人推薦。5. 國家型科技計畫:審查人推薦、審查、經費核定。6. 其他行政院交議案。貳、協助規劃推動資訊教育重點工作整合研究方向為下:(一) 數位學習環境建置與工具(e-learning infrastructure and tools)數位學習的基礎是環境的建置與相關工具的開發。隨著資訊科技的快速發展,學習環境也會相對改變。本項重點鼓勵學習科技與工具之創新研發,或探討應用於學科學習之模式與成效評估。1.數位學習環境之建置(Digital learning environment)2.學習活動/課程設計與發展之工具與方法論(Tools and methodologies for learningactivity/courseware design and development)3.普及式計算技術在教育上的應用(Ubiquitous computing for education)(二)數位內容導向應用(Content-oriented applications)學習資源的數位化必須充分利用資訊科技的特色與優勢,達到累積、保存、流通、共享、再利用的目的。本重點旨在鼓勵開發數位學習資源,並探討融入科學、數學、資訊科等教學或學習的方法與模式。1.網路學習資源(Web-based learning resources)2.資訊科技融入教學與學習(Technology integrated instruction and learning)3.大學教學卓越之基礎課程之數位學習內容(e-content for college-level basic courses ofteaching excellence)(三)數位學習教學與學習之理論、策略與評鑑(Teaching and learning theories, strategies andassessment)數位學習必須有堅實的理論基礎與適當的策略,才能有效的促進學習的發生,本重點鼓勵研究計畫探討數位學習教學與學習理論的修正與發展、教師與學生角色的轉變、教學策略的設計與實施,與評估數位學習成效的方法。1.教學與學習理論發展(Teaching/learning theories development)2.教師與學生之角色(Roles of the instructor and learner)3.成效評估方法論(Evaluation methodologies)(四)數位素養(Digital literacy)資訊教育的目的是提升全民的資訊素養、縮減數位落差,並確保網路使用的適當性。本項重點鼓勵研究計畫針對數位學習落差現象與縮減方式、提升網路素養方法,或網路使用(者)相關議題進行深入探討。1.數位學習落差(Digital learning divide)2.網路素養:概念、定義、教學(Internet literacy: concepts, definitions, pedagogical issues)3.網路使用心理與歷程(Psychological process in using Internet)Item Item Acquiring strategies to enhance primary student discussions in computer supported collaborative learning(2009-01-08) Chiu, Chiung-Hui; Huang, Hsin-Chih; Fang, Yu-ChiaoItem Agent-supported learning in hypermedia environment(1993-06-08) Wang,Cheng-liang; Chiou, Guey-FaItem Analysis and Representation of Physics Knowledge with an Object-Oriented Approach(1999-10-07) Juang, Jie-Yong; Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Chang, Eugene Y.-C.Item The analysis of a courseware quality framework for e-learning(2006-06-01) Chen, Ming-Puu; Chang, Kuo-EnIn Taiwan, an e-Learning Courseware Certification service is provided by the Quality Service Center of the e-Learning Network Science Park to distinguish and promote well-designed e-Learning courseware. The e-Learning Courseware Certification program employs a systematic process to evaluate the educational quality of an e-learning courseware from the perspectives of content, navigation, instructional design, and instructional media. The results from analyzing 25 e-learning courseware cases revealed that (a) the measurement of the certification program showed adequate reliability and validity, and (b) the certified cases outperformed the uncertified cases in content, instructional design, and instructional media. It was suggested that the development of e-learning courseware should utilize sound instructional design methods to enhance the learning effectiveness.Item An analysis of peer assessment online discussions within a course that uses project-based learning(Routledge, 2007-12-01) Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-TingIn recent years project-based learning (PBL) incorporating online discussions has gradually been applied to courses that focus on writing projects. Past studies have shown that learners in PBL often face the difficulties of not having in-depth data analysis and peer discussions and how teachers design the rules and methods for online discussions has a significant influence on the quality of discussion. Since using a peer assessment strategy in the classroom could facilitate learners' critical thinking and meta-cognitive skills, this study conducts an empirical observational study in order to analyse the content and process of the discussion activities based on peer assessment without teacher intervention and tries to explore students' knowledge construction of the discussion. Sequential analysis and content analysis were conducted to observe the scale of each aspect of knowledge construction and the sequential pattern of students' knowledge construction during the discussions. Teachers didn't provide any guidance or intervention during the activity. Based on the results of the observations, this study discusses the possible difficulties that students may encounter when conducting peer assessment online discussions. Finally, this study also proposes suggestions about the timing and methods for teacher interventions.Item Analysis of problem-solving based online asynchronous discussion pattern(International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS), 2008-01-01) Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-TingThis research explores the process of asynchronous problem-solving-based discussion activities and aims to understand limitations likely to arise during learners’ problem-solving discussions. The research has combined lag-sequential analysis and quantitative content analysis, and expects to use such analyzing methods to further understand the sequential pattern of students’ problem-solving discussion behaviors and knowledge-construction levels. In order to avoid influence caused by teachers’ subjective guiding methods and ensure objective observations, we observed learners’ online problem-solving discussions without intervention or guidance from the teachers. From the sequential pattern derived, we have not only induced a pattern of students’ discussion behavior but also discovered that, compared to discussion activity based on a single topic appointed by the teacher, the problem-solving online discussion activity is more helpful for students’ knowledge construction. In addition, this research also revealed certain limitations toward the content and behavior of students’ discussion without teachers’ guidance. Based on the results, this paper proposes a strategy in which teachers can intervene and guide, which is expected to enhance the depth of students’ discussion and knowledge construction when a teacher is applying a problem-based learning activity.Item Analysis of time-management pattern of interactive behaviours during online project-based learning(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007-07-18) Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-TingThis study aims to explore the time-management patterns of learners' interactive behaviors during online project-based learning (PBL) from an empirical observation without teachers' interception. According to the derived pattern, the study found how learners allocated their time and how these interactive activities influence learners to allocate their time more appropriately. Finally, we also gave some suggestions for teachers' interception and guidance for promoting the quality of students' projects.Item Analyzing student performance and attitudes toward textual versus iconic programming languages(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2009-01-01) Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Yang, Mei-ChingIn this study half of 52 sixth graders learned to program in MSWLogo and the other half in Drape. An analysis of students' test scores revealed that Drape (an iconic language) seemed to have a steeper learning curve than MSWLogo (a textual language). However, as students gradually became more familiar with either language, the difference in student performance narrowed. With respect to usability, students of the MSWLogo group made syntactic errors frequently, whereas students of the Drape group were often confused by icons that were not intuitively clear or icons that looked similar. No significant difference was found between the two groups in how much they enjoyed programming or if they would like to learn to program again. It was concluded that iconic programming languages might not be more suitable than textual languages for elementary school students.Item Analyzing the differences of the online discussion behaviors of knowledge construction and problem solving between high and low achieving learners(2009-01-08) 侯惠澤; 張國恩; 宋曜廷; Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-TingItem Application of neural network for implementing a practical student model(1995-12-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Hou, Wen-ChuanItem Application of neural network on student modeling(1993-12-01) Hou, W. J.; Chang, K. E.Item Application of Socratic dialogue on corrective learning of recursion programming(1996-01-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Lin, P. C.Item Application of Socratic dialogue on corrective learning of subtraction(Elsevier, 1998-08-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Lin, Mei-Ling; Chen, Sei-WangThe purpose of this research is to construct a previous corrective learning system using the previous Socratic dialogue as a guide to correct mistakes in students' knowledge on the domain of previous subtraction. Since the cause of students' mistaken concepts relates to the formation and evolution of mental models, the correction of mistakes cannot be effective if a teacher relies on simply telling the student the standard solution. Instead, they should make the student consider the mistakes and contradictions they themselves discover in the correction process. The previous Socratic dialogue applies a dialectic method to present questions to the student and lets the student reconsider his or her own thinking. In this research, we shall make an inquiry into the fundamental reasoning principles of the previous Socratic dialogue and use the production rules to express the principles that will be used for the previous learning of subtraction. The effect of previous Socratic dialogue on the learning of subtraction has been evaluated by an educational experiment. The experimental results show that the approach of the previous Socratic dialogue on learning is indeed of great help for students.Item Applications of a mobile electronic guidebook on museum learning: Analysis of visitors’ attention and behavioral patterns(2007-11-05) Sung, Y. T.; Lee, Y. S.; Chang, K. E.Item Apply handheld devices to formative evaluation in classroom(Elsevier, 2009-01-01) Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.; Huang, C. C.Item Applying lag sequential analysis to detect visual behavioral patterns of online learning activities(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-03-01) Hou, Huei-Tse; Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-TingThe article discusses how learners manage online learning behaviours such as active participation and interaction as well as the visual behavioural patterns used. These behavioural patterns could offer guidance for teachers to enhance student learning. Through an empirical observation and lag sequential analysis, which can examine whether or not the relationship between each behavior has been achieved, visual behavioural patterns of online learning activities was used. The visual pattern showed that the majority of students concentrated on browsing peers' works and answering questions.