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Item 身心障礙者電腦化溝通系統之設計與應用---電腦化學習系統對增進嚴重語言及肢體障礙學童基本認字能力之有效性研究(I)(2000-07-31) 李天佑; 楊國屏; 王華沛Item 電腦輔助學習系統之解題器設計(I)(2002-07-31) 林美娟Item 以實驗策略增進學生對資訊科學概念瞭解之研究---子計畫二:以實驗策略增進學生的程式設計概念與解題能力(1/3)(2002-08-01) 林美娟Item 國中教師電腦知能學習之研究---國文科(III)(2002-07-31) 林美娟本計畫旨在探討國中國文教師所需具備之電腦知能,俾能提供適當之電腦知能訓練,以增進其運用電腦科技於教學之能力與意願。本(第三)年度的研究重點在於訓練教材的設計與製作。我們邀請了十八位國文教師組成本研究所採用之大慧調查研究之專家群。在四回合的問卷調查過程中,專家們回答了關於國文科教學實施現況、教材教具使用情形、教師工作內容、以及資訊科技融入國文科教學之可行性等相關問題。本研究根據彙整後之專家意見歸納出九十項國文教師工作項目,並請專家針對每一工作項目是否需要電腦輔助進行需要性評等。我們接著根據評等較高之工作項目進行訓練教材架構設計,從而規劃出 67 個訓練單元,並從中選出八個單元進行教材實作。在教材架構設計與單元內容製作上,本研究以「教學工作導向」、「組裝式設計」、「多元化應用軟體」、和「兼及硬體工具訓練」等理念做為設計原則。所完成之訓練單元隨後在台北縣立海山高中進行試用。試用本教材之海山高中國文教師對於教材內容與訓練課程實施方式普遍感到滿意。本研究另行邀請了八位學者專家協助審查我們所編製之訓練教材,從中所獲得之審查意見將做為我們未來製作其他訓練單元之重要參考。Item 「電腦科教師檢定模式及工具之研究」子計畫一:高中電腦教師學科教學基本能力之研究(1997-07-01) 林美娟Item 國中教師電腦知能學習研究---國文科(II)(2001-07-31) 林美娟本研究旨在探討國中國文科教師所應具備之電腦知識,俾能增進其運用電腦科技於教學的能力與意願。本年度的研究主要著重於國文教師電腦知能訓練、資訊融入國中國文科教學之教材製作及教學演示、以及教師與學生對於資訊融入國文科教學之意見調查等。Item Integrating ICT in Teaching Chinese Language and Literature(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2002-06-24) Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Ho, Rong-GueyEight Chinese Language and Literature teachers participated in this research to make their first attempts at integrating information and communications technologies (ICT) into curriculum. They were provided training in common application tools and then paired up to develop ICT-based courseware for use in classroom teaching. Four units of courseware thus developed were field-taught to 169 students. Results of a questionnaire survey conducted after field-teaching indicate that most students prefer ICT-based lectures to conventional ones because ICT offers such benefits as making the lectures more interesting, enhancing the mood of the class, providing richer material than usual, and improving teacher-student interaction.Item ICT and Chinese Language Arts Instruction: Eight Teachers' Perspectives(IEEE, 2002-12-03) Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Chen, Hsiu-YenEight experienced Chinese language teachers met for 12 roundtable sessions and used a web forum as a supplement to discuss the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) in Chinese language instruction. They proposed a list of instructional activities that may be carried out more effectively with the help of ICT. The activities are presented under three categories: reading instruction, writing instruction, and general teaching tasks. The teachers also pointed out the necessity for a dedicated Chinese language teachers? web site and specified the essential features for it. Another two issues discussed by the teachers concern provision of computing facilities and ICT trainings that they expect from the school administration.Item Cultivating Computer Teachers for the 21th Century: Visions and Challenges(1997-01-01) Chiou, Guey-Fa; Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Wu, Cheng-ChihItem An Internet-Based CAL Software for Solving Trigonometric Problems(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 1999-03-02) Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Juang, Jie-Yong; Sun, PonsonThis paper describes MathCAL, an Internet-based computer-assisted-learning (CAL) system that provides a distance-learning environment for learners to do exercise on math problems in an exploratory style. The design of MathCAL hinges on provision of a set of domain-specific mathematical rules for learners to apply in each step of problem solving. Each time a learner selects a problem from the built-in problem set and starts working on it, MathCAL dynamically keeps track of a learner's problem-solving process and is capable of giving appropriate hints to guide the learner. Learners can also get help from other users of the system through synchronous or asynchronous network functions provided by the system. Currently MathCAL allows students to solve problems requiring the use of trigonometry.