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Item 國中教師電腦知能學習研究─社會科(3/3)(2002-07-31) 吳正己; Wu, Cheng-Chih本計畫為整合型計畫「國中教師電腦知能學習研究」中的一個子計畫,計畫分三年進行,第三年計畫的主要目的是探討以教材製作為主的教師訓練模式,其促進社會科教師資訊科技融入教學知能的成效;並以兩位國中地理教師為個案,瞭解教師教學信念對資訊科技融入教學活動實施之影響。本研究藉由座談會、問卷、教師訪談、及教材製作與教學實施的觀察蒐集相關資料。研究發現參予計劃的社會科教師,經由資訊科技融入教材的製作與教學實踐後,獲得了經驗的累積、學生正面的回應、以及同儕教師的支援和鼓勵,其運用資訊科技的自我效能信念得以大幅增進。此外,兩位個案教師運用資訊科技的方式受到其教學信念的影響。抱持傳統教學信念的個案教師,資訊科技的應用採取教師講述方式,內容以教科書中的材料為主;而重視培養學生問題解決能力的個案教師,則常實施應用資訊科技的合作學習活動,並藉由資訊科技工具的協助補充授課內容。Item An eFlashcard System for Teaching and Learning of English Vocabulary as a Foreign Language(ACTA Press, 2003-06-30) Lee, Greg C.; Lo, Y. J.; Weng, C. Y.; Wu, Cheng-ChihIn this paper, we described an eFlashcard system which was designed as a tool for teaching and learning of English vocabularies as a foreign language. The functionality of the system was based on inputs from junior high school English teachers. The system architecture, eFlashcard creation process and a pilot teaching experiment are reported. The experimentation results showed that both the teacher and the students react favorably toward the use of the eFlashcard system in class. The teacher used eFlashcard to replace paper-based flashcard instructional activities as well as devising new and off-class learning activities. Survey among two classes of eighty students indicated that the use of eFlashcard system in class enhanced their learning interest and allowed them to better follow the flow of the instructional activities.Item ICT integration at a Taiwan secondary school(ACTA Press, 2002-05-20) Wu, Cheng-Chih; Lee, Greg C.This study employed a university-school partnership approach to help secondary social studies teachers to integrate ICT in their instructions. We identified seven issues affect teachers’ use of ICT in instruction: (1) teachers’ attitude, (2) teachers’ ICT skills, (3) administrative support, (4) hardware availability, (5) Internet resources, (6) ICT specialist support, and (7) peer collaboration. Teachers and students’ initial perception on using ICT in the classrooms were also reported.