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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-04-??) 王梅玲; Mei-Ling Wang
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    Evaluating Demographic Websites
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-10-??) Cheng-Zhi Wang
    The conventional criteria of website evaluation are widely applied in evaluating online information, which is an important component of information literacy instruction in academic institutions. However, mainly form the users’ angle and inherently bibliographic, these criteria tend to be general in nature and fail to differentiate the qualities of websites at similar quality levels. Thus, evaluation criteria form webometric perspectives that utilize measurable data and tangible information are needed for more informed assessment. The purpose of this article is to introduce and apply essential webometric criteria to supplement the conventional criteria to improve information literacy instruction. The article first synthesizes the widely used conventional criteria into Six C’s for the sake of simplicity and applicability. Then, important webometric criteria of popularity, profundity, luminosity, and error-checking are introduced. Next, the webometric data collected from leading demography research institutions’ websites in the U.S. are analyzed. The article concludes that while conventional criteria continue to be convenient and useful, particularly for novel web users, a basic set of webometric criteria can serve as a supplemtary tool to provide additional insights into evaluating online resources.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-04-??) 邱炯友; 張瑜倫; Jeong-Yeou Chiu; Yu-Lun Chang
    學術傳播常常循著「引用文獻」(citation)和「同儕評閱」(peer review)之兩階段軸線發展,兼具量與質。其中引用文獻分析所賴以建立的引文(註釋)格式問題,基本上是一種植基於質化運用上的量化研究,也日此引文格式之探討應為解決引文索引爭議的核心。唯有詳細嚴謹的學術引文規範以及妥善運用的引文文獻分析技術,方足以架構良性的學術傳播環境。本研究除了探討引文分析較為人知曉的幾項爭議外,更探析引文格式,尤以APA、Chicageo(Turabian)、MLA三者對於引文分析之效益及其影響。當涉及學術規範「統一」、引文格式本身特性、二次引用、引文計數之公平合理等問題時,引文分析所及之應用研與引文格式間之關係,自然無法被漠視,毫無疑問的是引文格式是學術傳播與出版之基石。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-04-??) 蔡明月; Ming- Yueh Tsay
    本文旨在闡述引文索引與引文分析。具體內容主要在探討美國科學資訊研究院(Institute of Scientific Information, ISI),所製作的科學引文索引(Science Citation Index, SCI)與期刊引用報告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)資料庫之製作、應用與限制,以及透過引文索引,進行的作者與機構之引用評鑑。此外,就引用分析所引起的爭議,例如,自我引用,引用錯誤、引用均等及二次引用,亦深入加以剖析,並進而針對引文分析遭遇到的問題以及影響引 用次數與引用正確性的因素等給予綜合討論。最後,總結引文分析的正面價值與實施學術評鑑的關照。