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Item ADDIE模式融入英語繪本閱讀教學對低成就高職學生閱讀態度之影響研究(2019) 萬宣佑; Wan, Xuan-You本研究旨在探討ADDIE模式融入英語繪本閱讀教學對高職一年級低成就學生閱讀態度之成效。本研究採混合式研究方法設計,以花蓮縣某公立高職一年級的兩班低成就學生為研究對象。實驗組三十人,進行ADDIE模式融入英語繪本閱讀教學。控制組二十九人,進行一般傳統教學。實驗教學為期八週,共計十六節課。兩組學生於實驗前後分別施測「高職生英語閱讀態度評量表」以作為前後測的成績。在實驗結束後,由實驗組隨機挑選六位學生進行深度訪談。 研究結果顯示: 一、實驗組學生於教學實驗後,在閱讀態度的四個層面達顯著差異。 二、教學實驗對實驗組學生閱讀態度的四個層面有正向影響。第一,實用層面上,實驗組學生的生活及學習出現正向改變;第二,發展層面上,實驗組學生的自我概念及對他者的看法出現正向發展;第三,樂趣層面上,實驗組學生的好奇心及想像力被正向激發;第四,逃避層面上,實驗組學生的休閒活動及脫離煩悶方法產生正向變化。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出以下建議: 一、教師應提升英語繪本閱讀教學能力,並有效運用英語繪本閱讀之教學策略。 二、學校應充實英語繪本資源,並將英語繪本閱讀納入學校課程。Item Instructional Analysis and Design of e-Learning Skills Training for University of The Gambia(2009) 杜佑舒; Yusupha TourayThis era of digital technology has evidenced an institutional rush for embracement of e-learning delivery techniques in education. Hence institutions that are digitally disadvantaged are as well wanting in their provision of effective and efficient education to students. The Gambia’s only university that is supposed to train its human capital for national development is still trapped in the traditional face-to-face delivery system. However, the same university has been selected as a pilot site for Pan African e-Network; a project that is supposed to collaborate more than twenty universities in Africa with universities in India through a viable e-learning system. But, is the University of The Gambia (UTG) ready for e-learning implementation? If UTG is ready, what proposed design could be used in this implementation? It is against this backdrop that this research looks at the readiness status of the young University in order to propose an instructional design of an e-learning training programme for lecturers. ADDIE model of instructional design has been adopted to analyse readiness and to propose an instructional design or strategy of the proposed content. As such quantitative and qualitative methods have been employed to analyse data from The Gambia through descriptive and nonparametric statistics, and expert interview data on relevance and delivery, monitoring and evaluation of training content, respectively. Eventually, UTG’s readiness was revealed at marginal levels for three of the support systems; infrastructure, training and human capital, and material and financial capacity, and has been found wanting in incentives for promotion of e-learning. The researcher thereafter draws a strategic map for delivery of a thoroughly analysed e-learning content. This research study therefore does not only reveal UTG’s e-learning readiness status, but also outlined a process that could be utilised by other institutions to appraise their e-learning readiness status. Again, it does not only give UTG a competitive advantage over other institutions, but also provides an ADDIE adopted instructional design of e-learning skills training that is applicable in other institutions and corporate entities for staff training.Item 連動式多影像擴增實境之潮汐模擬教學系統開發(2015) 王維洸; Wei Kuang Wang近年來由於科技不斷的創新及改變,將擴增實境的技術運用在教育上受到許多學者討論與應用。擴增實境以其具有將真實物件與虛擬資訊結合並產生互動的特性,創造出一種新形態感官體驗的學習方式。在眾多的應用中多數都以單影像的方式呈現,對於需要將多種概念產生關聯的議題難以同時呈現。因此本研究將擴增實境具有的特色,運用在自然科學課程的潮汐與月相變化單元中,設計一個連動式多影像擴增實境潮汐模擬系統,本系統的「連動式」是指畫面中所呈現的四個視窗畫面具有連動的功能,依據學生操作月球與地球模型轉盤,視窗畫面能同步隨著使用者旋轉模型的角度變化跟著產生相對應的影像位置變化,「多影像」則是指將四個表達不同概念的影像畫面同時呈現在一個畫面中,藉由連動的方式讓四個畫面同步產生相關聯的變化,讓學生透過操作月球與地球模型轉盤,觀察月球公轉時,對地球潮汐變化及海水平面漲、退潮的多重概念。 本研究主要利用擴增實境技術,探討建置一個連動式多影像擴增實境系統時,需要考慮的因素與限制,並探討系統運用在教學活動時,使用者對系統的操作介面、顯示介面的滿意度及使用意願之研究。利用ADDIE模式,透過分析、設計、發展、實施及評鑑等階段開發此系統,並以問卷調查及訪談方式,探討使用者對系統的操作介面、顯示介面的滿意度及使用意願。 研究結果顯示,學生對連動式擴增實境教學系統的操作介面認為:在操作上並不會困難、系統整體的運作流暢、互動性良好;對系統顯示介面使用多視窗顯示方式呈現的訊息更能讓學生瞭解、能把月球運行對潮汐變化的影響關聯在一起、每個視窗所呈現的訊息都能清楚表達意義;利用AR輔助教學的學習方式覺得有趣、可提高學習興趣、願意再次使用。希望研究的結果能對後續開發建置多影像擴增實境系統融入其它議題時,互動介面設計之參考。Item 開發「昆蟲仿生學桌遊」融入昆蟲單元教學以培養國小學生科學與科技素養(國立臺灣師範大學師資培育與就業輔導處, 2021-12-??) 盧秀琴; 余岱瑾; Chow-Chin Lu, Tai-Chin Yu因應十二年國教強調跨領域素養的學習,本研究根據ADDIE模式,以「昆蟲」單元的教學內容作延伸,選用十種昆蟲做為「昆蟲仿生學」的學習主軸來開發「昆蟲仿生學桌遊」(簡稱IBBG),分為初階、進階遊戲。本研究採混合研究法進行準實驗研究,發現實驗組學生玩IBBG做為「探究與實作」的學習,其「昆蟲仿生學」科學與科技素養優於一般教學「昆蟲仿生學」的對照組學生,實驗效果量達到中低強度。本研究根據教學的評價修正IBBG,使其成為可執行的「探究與實作」學習模式,例如:加強「昆蟲仿生學」簡報說明、在教室放置IBBG「昆蟲仿生學」的學習手冊、將IBBG遊戲規則拍成影片等。