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摘 要 隨著台灣經濟發展與大型公立博物館的建立,私立博物館在80年代末期之後,也跟著有如雨後春筍般的成立,這種博物館蓬勃發展的現象,標誌著台灣博物館館時代的來臨。博物館學、美術行政等相關學術研究,嚴然成為現代的一門顯學。 然而如此眾多的公、私立博物館的成立,卻也帶給彼此之間互相競爭的營運壓力,尤其經濟不景氣時,公立博物館享有政府年度預算的編列,尚可維持本身的正常運作;相對而言,私立博物館雖有企業或個人的財務挹注,但受制於經濟景氣循環,其母公司或個人在營運獲利不佳時,經營運作上即捉襟見肘。因此,私立博物館的經營與管理模式,勢必跳脫早期公立博物館坐享其成的心態,以企業經營的行銷理念,為博物館尋找出合於時代需求的營運方式。 本研究以台灣目前營運中的私立博物館作為研究背景,並以樹火紀念紙博物館為個案研究對象,在經營與管理的實務中,分析私立博物館的行銷策略以及所反映的現象。具體而言,本研究主要問題有下列兩點: (一) 台灣私立博物館在蓬勃發展之後普遍存在的問題。 (二) 私立博物館面臨資本短缺,專業人才、社會資源不足的 情況,如何自我行銷,達到永續經營的理念。 博物館的發展與營運模式,隨著時代的政治、社會及各國文化背景有著密不可分的關係;近年來,更受到新學術思潮與新藝術史批判的影響,新博物館學的理論,已強調博物館與社會環境之間的關係,以多元開放的行銷作為經營理念。因此,台灣私立博物館的經營與管理,除了受制於目前法令不夠完備之外,實務上更需要依據市場環境的變遷調整營運方向,與公立博物館的市場訴求、營運風格有所區隔,除了肩負起博物館的社會功能之外,在台灣文化建設中,扮演著社區文化創意產業的創造者與傳播者的角色,成為當代人文對話論述的空間,更是一般民眾文化性的消費場所,朝向永續發展的經營之路。
Abstract With the development of Taiwan economy and the establishment of public museums, the private museums mushroomed ever since the late 1980s to mark the coming era of Taiwan’s museumology. Relevant academic researches regarding Museumology and Art Administration have gradually emerged as the modern trend. Nevertheless, the mutual competition between the booming public and private museums bring operational pressure on both sides. During the recession period, public museums which are sponsored by anneal budget from government can still maintain their regular operation. On the contrary, private museums receive financial supports from enterprises can hardly survive due to the insufficient profit of its parental company or the owner. Therefore, the management and operational mode of the private museums must be differentiated from the sit-idly-and-enjoy mode of the public museum, striving for business mode that is in accordance with the current need based on the marketing strategy applied in Business Management. This research adopts the private museums in operation as the background and the Su Ho Memorial Paper Museum as the target. We may analyze the marketing strategy and the phenomena it reflects in practice of the operation and management. To make it more specific, there are two major issues to be further discussed in this study: 1. The common problems that occur after the Taiwan’s private museums began to prosper. 2. When encountering the short of capitals, professionals and social resources, the private museums should promote themselves to reach the goal of sustainable management. The development and operational mode of the museums can never separate itself from the contemporary politics, society and the individual cultural background. In recent years, the new theory of museumology (under the influence of the new academic trend and the art historical critic) turns to emphasize on the relationship between museums and the social environment and to apply multi-dimensional marketing strategies as the core of the management. As a matter of fact, the operation of private museums in Taiwan is somehow confined by the legislation needs be amended, it accordingly needs to make certain adjustment against the changing market. Furthermore, it must be distinguished from the market appeal and operational styles of the public museums. In addition to carrying the responsibility and function as the museums, the private museums also play a role as the creator as well as the transmitter in the cultural industry of the community. It becomes not only the space for the modern people to proceed a dialogue and discourse but also the venue for the public to consume the cultural collages. The sustainable development of the museums can therefore be attained.



私立博物館, 經營, 管理, 博物館行銷, 樹火紀念紙博物館, private museum, operation, management, museum marketing, Su Ho Memorial Paper Museum





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