

本研究旨在瞭解臺灣東部地區國中體育教師對體育組長領導行為及工作滿意度關係之現況,並比較不同背景變項的臺灣東部地區體育教師所知覺的體育組長領導行為及工作滿意度差異情形。其次,分析臺灣東部地區國中體育教師所知覺的體育組長領導行為及工作滿意度各變項間的典型關係。 研究對象為162名臺灣東部地區國中體育教師,並自編經專家審核過之『國中體育教師對體育組長領導型態與工作滿意度調查問卷』為研究工具進行調查。根據調查所蒐集之資料,經單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA),並以「社會科學統計套裝軟體」(Statistical Package for Science, SPSS 10.0 for Windows)進行統計分析。 結果發現: (一)臺灣東部地區國中體育組長的領導行為依序為「高倡導高關懷」、「低倡導高關懷」、「高倡導低關懷」、「低倡導低關懷」,而其中「高倡導高關懷」的平均數、「低倡導高關懷」的平均數高於「整體領導行為」的平均數,顯示是以高關懷為主,男性教師在整體領導行為及各層面,均高於女性教師;40-49歲的教師高於29歲以下的教師。 (二) 在臺灣東部地區國中體育教師對工作滿意度方面,就「整體工作滿意度」而言算高。就其他層面而言,其高低依序為「教學工作本身的滿足」、「體育組長視導行為的滿足」、「學校工作環境的滿足」、「教學工作報酬的滿足」、「工作變動性高的滿足」,而其中「教學工作本身的滿足」、「組長視導行為的滿足」、「學校工作環境的滿足」三個層面的平均數高於整體得平均數,顯示臺灣東部地區國中體育教師對教學工作本身感到滿意。 建議採行之領導方式以高倡導高關懷為主實施領導風格,除了維持基本工作滿足、體育組長視導行為的滿足及工作環境之滿足外,應加強教學工作報酬滿足及工做變動性高的滿足。
This study approach the relationship between junior high school athletic director’s leadership and teacher job satisfaction in east area of Taiwan. The study used survey method. People subjects were all teachers of east area in Taiwan .The survey instrument was “Questionnaire of junior high school athletic director’s leadership behavior and teacher’s job satisfaction”. Then, random selected 162 junior high school teachers in east area of Taiwan. The study reclaimed 206 questionnaires and 162 of them are considered as effective. The usable percentage was 78.64﹪. The data obtained from questionnaires was coded, recorded and executed with the statistic software, SPSS FOR WINDOWS 10.0. The statistical methods included t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation….etc. The results of the study were as follows: 1.Most of the junior high school teacher’s perception on athletic director’s leadership behavior was moderately, especially emphasized on “high-consideration and high-initiation”. 2.Most of the junior high school teacher’s job satisfaction was good, especially emphasized on “job satisfaction ”. 3.The male teacher’s awareness is higher than the female teachers. 4.The aged teacher’s awareness is higher than the younger teachers. 5.Because of different teacher’s position, the teachers in the junior high school have different awareness of athletic director’s leadership behavior. The director’s awareness is higher than the home-room teachers. 6.The male teacher’s awareness was higher than the female teachers in “whole job satisfaction”, ”teaching job satisfaction”, ”teaching environment satisfaction”, ”teaching reward satisfaction”. 7.The aged teacher’s awareness was higher than the younger teachers in ”whole job satisfaction”, ”teaching job satisfaction”, ”teaching environment satisfaction”, ”teaching reward satisfaction”. 8.The long service teacher’s awareness was higher than the short service teachers in ”whole job satisfaction”,“working changed satisfaction”, ”teaching reward satisfaction”. 9.The teachers with Master’s degree have higher than the teachers with Bachelor’s degree in ”teaching reward satisfaction”. 10.The director’s awareness was higher than the others teachers in ”whole job satisfaction”, ”working changed satisfaction”, ”teaching reward satisfaction”. 11.The 6-10 years of school history was higher than the 31-50 years of school history in high-consideration and high-initiation.



臺灣東部地區, 領導行為, 滿意度, 體育組長, East Area of Taiwan, Leadership behavior, Job satisfaction, Athletic director





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