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  台灣農地大多破碎且分布區域廣,需將各地農產品進行集中再運送至消費市場來販售,中間商成為集貨與銷售的樞紐。然而,現今的傳統農產運銷體系運作有諸多問題,使得農民與消費者面臨雙輸的局面。農民在傳統農產運銷體系中受制於中間商,淪為價格的被動接受者,為了解決此問題,有農民嘗試透過網路或小農市集等方式來取代傳統通路。   本研究以行動研究為主要研究方法,以研究者自產的火龍果為例。探討農民如何運用社群媒體來建構網路通路及其成效,並比較研究者自有的四種通路各自優缺點。研究結果顯示,農民透過網路進行農產品直效行銷,比傳統通路銷售方式高出55%左右的利潤,只是產量與訂單難以配合,網路通路難以全然替代傳統通路,若農民能負擔額外增加的工作量,網路通路是非常值得發展的農產品運銷管道。另外,在傳統通路中,果菜批發市場是農產品售出價格的重要決價標準之一,但農民在其中沒有任何議價權力,常導致農民收益不如預期,因此建議將果菜批發市場逐漸轉型成輔助型通路,以農產運銷公司及零售市場為主要銷售管道。並採用多批減量的銷售策略來提高收購價格,藉此取得更多的利潤。
  Most of farmlands in Taiwan are fragmentized and widespread, agricultural produce need to be centralized and then transported to the consumer market to sell. Wholesalers become a hub of the transportations and sales of agricultural produce. However, there are many problems with the traditional agricultural production and transportation operating system, making both farmers and consumers face a lose-lose situation. Farmers are subjected to wholesalers, also become the passive acceptance of the price in the traditional agricultural production and transportation system. To solve this problem, some farmers try to use Internet or the small-scale fair to replace the traditional channels.   The present study adopted action research as its principal approach, taking home-grown dragon fruit from the researcher as an example. To study how farmers construct the network channels via social media also the effect, furthermore, compare the advantages and disadvantages of the four different channels from the researcher. The research shows that the profit from directly marketing which farmers proceed via Internet, is about 55% higher than the traditional channel sales mode.   Yet the output and order are hard to match, so Internet channels are difficult to completely replace the traditional channels. If farmers can bear the additional workload, Internet channel is an agricultural transportations and sell channel which very worthwhile to develop.   Moreover, in the traditional channels, fruits and vegetables wholesale market is one of the most important standards of the agricultural selling price, but farmers don’t have the ability to bargain the price, so it normally leads to the unexpected revenue to the farmers. Therefore, do recommend to gradually transfer the fruit and vegetable wholesale market into the assistant channels, taking agricultural transportations and sales company as the main selling channels. Also adopting the small number of principles as sales strategy to raise the purchase price and obtain more profits.



農產品直效行銷, 行動研究, 多元通路, Direct Marketing of Agricultural Products, Action Research, Multi-channel

