

本研究旨在瞭解大學校院學生事務人員工作特性、工作價值觀與工作滿足之現況及其在不同背景變項的差異情形,以及工作特性與工作滿足、工作價值觀與工作滿足的相關情形。 為達研究目的,本研究採橫斷式研究設計,以分層叢集抽樣法選取台灣地區38所大學校院的學生事務人員為研究對象,並以「大學校院學生事務人員工作特性、工作價值觀與工作滿足調查問卷」進行調查,共得有效問卷312份。本研究主要發現如下: 一、大學校院學生事務人員對工作特性的知覺程度由高至低依序為技能多樣 性、回饋性、任務完整性、任務重要性;對工作價值觀的重視程度依序為 社會互動、組織安全與經濟、尊嚴、安定與免於焦慮、休閒健康與交通、 自我實現、自我成長,重視工具性領域甚於目的性領域;工作滿足程度由 高至低依序為一般滿足、內在滿足、外在滿足。 二、在工作特性方面,不同性別、年齡、現職年資、職位、學校性質者有顯著 差異;在工作價值觀方面,不同性別、年齡、現職年資、婚姻狀況、學校 性質者有顯著差異;在工作滿足方面不同婚姻狀況、職位者有顯著差異。 三、大學校院學生事務人員工作特性與工作滿足、以及工作價值觀與工作滿足 具有典型相關存在。 本研究根據以上發現,提出建議,以作為大學校院學生事務相關單位、有志從事大學校院學生事務工作者參考。
The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of college student affairs administrators’ perceived job characteristics, work values, and job satisfaction, and to examine if job characteristics, work values and job satisfaction of college student affairs administrators differed in regard to selected factors. In addition, this study also attempted to examine the relationship between perceived job characteristics and job satisfaction as well as perceived work values and job satisfaction of college student affairs administrators. This study employed a cross-sectional research design. Stratified cluster sampling was used to select the research participants from 38 universities and colleges in Taiwan. The data were collected using “Questionnaire of College Student Affairs Administrators’ Job Characteristics, Work Values, and Job Satisfaction.” Totally, 312 usable questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The major findings are summarized as followings: 1.The college student affairs administrators’ perceived job characteristics, from the highest to the lowest, are skill variety, feedback, task identity, and task significance accordingly. In terms of perceived work values, from the highest to the lowest are social interaction, organizational safety and economics, dignity, balance and being free from anxiety, leisure, health and traffic, self-realization and self-growth. In terms of perceived job satisfaction, form the highest to the lowest, are general satisfaction, internal satisfaction and external satisfaction accordingly. 2.Each of the following factors, gender, age, working experience of current job, job position, and type of institution, has a significant difference on college student affairs administrators’ perceived job characteristics. 3.Each of the following factors, gender, age, working experience of current job, marital status, and type of institution, has a significant difference on college student affairs administrators’ perceived work values. 4.Each of the following factors, marital status and job position, has a significant difference on college student affairs administrators’ perceived job satisfaction. 5.There are canonical correlations between college student affairs administrators’ perceived job characteristics and job satisfaction as well as between college student affairs administrators’ perceived work values and job satisfaction. Based on the findings, recommendations for practice and further research are provided.



大學校院學生事務人員, 工作特性, 工作價值觀, 工作滿足, college student affairs administrators, job characteristics, work values, job satisfaction





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