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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
The Comprehensive Vocational Class of Vocational High School is an employmentorientedspecial education placement model. The purposes of the ComprehensiveVocational Class are to develop the work abilities and attitudes of the students withspecial needs, and to help them get employed after graduation. The proportion ofComprehensive Vocational Class graduates enrolled in colleges has gradually increasedrecently. As we know, parents and teachers have a great influence on students’ careerchoices. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the views of parents andteachers on the post-graduation career choices of Comprehensive Vocational Classstudents. In this study, a qualitative research method was used, and the six parents andfive teachers from Taipei city and New Taipei city were invited to undergo in-depthinterviews.The results indicated that both parents and teachers expected the students to achieveindependent living and earn their own living expenses in the future. However, theviews of parents and teachers on the career choices of students of the ComprehensiveVocational Class after graduation were different. Most parents considered the possibilityof attending university, but all the teachers expected students to go to work as soonas possible after graduation. However, both parties hoped to make individualizedconsiderations based on the different situations of each student, so that each student canfind a life path that suited them.
The Comprehensive Vocational Class of Vocational High School is an employmentorientedspecial education placement model. The purposes of the ComprehensiveVocational Class are to develop the work abilities and attitudes of the students withspecial needs, and to help them get employed after graduation. The proportion ofComprehensive Vocational Class graduates enrolled in colleges has gradually increasedrecently. As we know, parents and teachers have a great influence on students’ careerchoices. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the views of parents andteachers on the post-graduation career choices of Comprehensive Vocational Classstudents. In this study, a qualitative research method was used, and the six parents andfive teachers from Taipei city and New Taipei city were invited to undergo in-depthinterviews.The results indicated that both parents and teachers expected the students to achieveindependent living and earn their own living expenses in the future. However, theviews of parents and teachers on the career choices of students of the ComprehensiveVocational Class after graduation were different. Most parents considered the possibilityof attending university, but all the teachers expected students to go to work as soonas possible after graduation. However, both parties hoped to make individualizedconsiderations based on the different situations of each student, so that each student canfind a life path that suited them.