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糧食安全是目前世界各國極度關注的議題,全球氣候變遷使得糧食 生產量處於極度不穩定的狀態。近年來全球人口的陡增也讓糧食穩定 供給成為國家最重要的問題之一。根據FAO 統計,2014~2016 年間, 處於長期食物不足或營養不良的人口高達16.8%。而本論文探討的便是 如何從漁業資源的管理,來減緩糧食不足所帶來的傷害。 首先論述國家安全觀下糧食安全議題的形成,並帶到管理漁業資源 的重要性。過往在探討糧食安全問題的時候,著重的焦點通常放在陸上 生產的糧食,常常忽略從海洋獲取的糧食。人類進行捕撈,從海洋獲取 食物的歷史由來已久,特別是以魚貝類補充農作物無法提供的動物性 蛋白質,補足日常生活中不可或缺的養分。也就是從糧食的產量與營養 價值,去闡述海洋漁業資源的重要性。 最後則探討目前全球漁業治理上各方所做的努力,如何對漁業資源 的養護有貢獻,進而提升各國之間的糧食安全。探討的範圍包括國際漁 業組織、國家之間的漁業協定、單一國家的管理措施及非政府組織的行 動成果。 在防範IUU 漁業及協調各方利益上,是管理最大的困難點,透過 此次研究,確知要透過漁業養護與管理實現糧食安全,必須透過多層 次、多行為者且多面向的治理方能達成。
Food security is a issue with great concern to all countries in the world. Global climate change makes food production extremely unstable. In recent years, the rapid increase in global population has also made grain supply become one of the most important problems of the country. According to FAO statistics, between 2014 and 2016, the population with chronic undernourishment or malnutrition is as high as 16.8%. And this paper discusses how to manage the fishery resources to mitigate the damage from food shortages. First of all, this paper discusses the formation of food security issues under the national security and importance of managing fishery resources. In the past, when food security was being discussed, the focus was usually on land-based food, often ignoring food obtained from the oceans. The history of produce food from the oceans has been a long period. Especially fish and shellfish can provide supplementary animal protein for the daily life of necessery nutrients. Therefore this paper will explain the importance of fisheries resources value base on yield and nutrients. Finally, arrange the efforts made by various parties in global governance of fisheries, and how to conservation of fishery resources to increase food security among countries. The range of the efforts includes the results of the actions of the International Fisheries Organization, fisheries agreements between States and non-governmental organizations.



糧食安全, 漁業管理, 全球治理, Food Security, Fisheries Management, Global Governance





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