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本研究之研究目的為瞭解國中資源班身障學生生涯自我概念之情形,以及瞭解不同個人背景(性別、年級、障別、居住地區)與不同家庭環境(家長之社經地位、家長之教養方式)的國中資源班身障學生其生涯自我概念表現之影響。綜合研究結果,提出具體建議,以期有助於輔導國中資源班身障學生朝正向之生涯自我概念發展。為完成前述的目的,本研究以台灣地區之公立國中資源班為對象,並以「生涯自我概念量表」為研究工具,實施問卷調查,共得325個有效樣本。本研究所蒐集的資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及逐步多元迴歸分析等來考驗各項假設。 本研究的發現如下: (一)就整體生涯自我概念而言,總量表各層面的每題平均得分均高於中間值 2.5 分,因此國中資源班身心障礙學生大多具有清晰的生涯自我概念。 (二)就全量表各層面的比較而言,國中資源班身心障礙學生在生涯自我概念中以生涯能力較為清晰,生涯興趣較為模糊。 (三)就國中資源班身心障礙學生整體生涯自我概念而言,「性別」、「年 級」、「障別」、「居住地區」在生涯自我概念上無顯著差異。 (四)就「性別」而言,不同性別國中資源班身心障礙學生在生涯自我概念各分量表中皆無達到顯著差異。 (五)就「年級」而言,不同年級國中資源班身心障礙學生在生涯自我概念 各分量表中,在「生涯能力」、「生涯興趣」、「生涯價值」、「生涯認識」沒有顯著差異。但在「生涯抱負」上三年級優於一年級。 (六)就「障別」而言,不同障別國中資源班身心障礙學生在生涯自我概念 各分量表中皆無達到顯著差異。 (七)就「居住地區」而言,不同居住地區國中資源班身心障礙學生在生涯自我概念各分量表中皆無達到顯著差異。 (八)就國中資源班身心障礙學生整體生涯自我概念而言,「家庭社經地位」在生涯自我概念上無顯著差異,而「父母教養方式」在生涯自我概念上亦無顯著差異。 (九)就「父母教養方式」而言,母親不同教養方式的國中資源班身心障礙學生在「生涯價值」量表中達到顯著差異。 (十)以「障礙類別」、「父母教養方式」最能預測國中資源班身心障礙學 生生涯自我概念的現況。 本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以供教師、學校及相關單位未來進一步研究與輔導之參考。
The purposes of this study were to (1)investigate the current situation of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities, and to (2)understand the impact of individual background (such as gender, grade, impaired classification, and living area) and family environment (such as parents’ socioeconomic status, and parenting styles) on career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities. Concrete suggestions would be made based on the findings of this study to help the students in junior high school students with disabilities toward positive self-concept of career development. There were 325 participants who were students from public junior high school students with disabilities in Taiwan. The instruments used in this study included 「career self-concept questionnaire」 and 「Parenting Style Questionnaire」. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, stepwise multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as the following: (1)The total scale for each question of whole career self-concept at all levels were 2.5 points higher than the average score, therefore, career self-concept of junior high school students with disabilities have a clear career self-concept. (2)Comparing each scale of career self-concept of junior high school students with disabilities, the score on self-concept was the highest, but the career interest was the lowest. (3)Gender, grade, impaired classification and living area in all career self-concept had no significant difference in junior high school students with disabilities. (4)There was no significant difference of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities between different gender. (5) There was no significant difference of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities between different grades. But the third-grade student had more career aspiration than the first-grade student. (6) There was no significant difference of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities between different impaired classification. (7) There was no significant difference of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities between different living areas. (8) There was no significant difference of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities between different parents’ socioeconomic status. There was no significant difference of career self-concept for junior high school students with disabilities between different parenting. (9) There was significant difference of career value for junior high school students with disabilities between different mother parenting styles. (10)We could predict subjects’ career self-concept most precisely based on the impaired classification and parenting styles. Based on the findings in this research, suggestions for career counseling of junior high school students with disabilities and directions for future research were provided.



生涯自我概念, 國中學生, 資源班, 身心障礙, career self-concept, junior high school student, resource room, disability





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