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本研究目的旨在瞭解醫院護理人員蔬果攝取行為及其影響因素。以台南市某一區域教學醫院護理人員為研究對象,以自編結構式問卷進行普查,共得有效問卷714份。結果顯示,研究對象的蔬果攝取行為階段以處於預備期最多(蔬菜攝取行為37.1% / 水果攝取行為40.7%),沉思前期次之(蔬菜攝取行為29.1% / 水果攝取行為30.9%)。超過七成的研究對象無法每天攝取三份蔬菜或二份水果。研究對象的蔬果攝取利益性認知偏高、蔬果攝取障礙性偏高、蔬果攝取自我效能偏低、蔬果攝取社會支持偏低。蔬果攝取行為的重要預測變項為「輪班」及「自我效能」,其中以自我效能對蔬果攝取行為的解釋力最高,本研究架構共可解釋蔬菜攝取行為總變異量的41.8%,可解釋水果攝取行為總變異量的41.6%。 本研究建議,要促進護理人員的蔬果攝取行為,應依所處的「蔬果攝取行為改變階段」分群,並朝克服蔬果攝取障礙性、提升社會支持、提升蔬果攝取自我效能的方向,設計合適的行為改變策略。
Purposes: The purpose of this study was to understand clinical nurses’ current situations and effect factors of vegetable and fruit intake behavior. Methods: The authors developed the structure questionnaire and study subjects included 714 clinical nurses from a hospital in Tainan, Taiwan. Results:The study subject’s vegetable and fruit intake behavior stage of change is mostly located at preparation stage ( vegetable vs. fruit:37.1% vs. 40.7% ), then at precontemplation stage ( vegetable vs. fruit:29.1% vs. 30.9% ). Nearly 70﹪of the study subjects can’t consume 3 potions of vegetables or 2 potions of fruits daily. Subjects had better knowledge of self-perceived benefits ,higher self-perceived barriers and had fewer self-efficacy、poor social support. Significant predictors of vegetable and fruit intake behavior were "shift work" and "self- efficacy ". In view of the salience indicators of individual parameter, "self- efficacy " which was the main predicting factor. The research model accounted for 41.8% of the variance in vegetable intake behavior, accounted for 41.6% of the variance in fruit intake behavior. Implications for Practice:We should group subjects based on their stage of change in vegetable and fruit consumption and design stage-appropriate strategies to influence behavior.



護理人員, 蔬果攝取行為改變階段, 蔬果攝取行為, 自我效能, Nurse, stage of change in vegetable and fruit consumption, vegetable and fruit intake behavior, self-efficancy





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