
dc.contributorYu, Mei-Kueien_US
dc.contributor.authorTeng, Chia-Minen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在歸納兒少保社工在參與重大兒少虐待事件檢討機制的經驗與感受。同時瞭解檢討機制的實施現況,揭露現行兒少保社工,在參與重大兒少案件檢討機制過程中的處境及需求,並且蒐集實務工作者對於重大兒少虐待事件檢討機制的意見,提出具體的建議,以利提升兒少保工作整體專業地位及價值。 本研究透過與北、中、南三區,共7位兒少保社工的深度訪談,歸納出研究結果如下: 一、重大兒少虐待事件檢討機制執行現況 現況與原訂檢討目標未全然符合,雖能增進網絡跨專業協調,增加兒少保社工服務積極性,但難以瞭解重大兒少虐待案件問題及成因,易轉為追究實務工作者缺失,以致調查追蹤及建議制度未受社工認同。 二、兒少保社工參與檢討機制的經驗及感受 兒少保社工對於檢討機制未全面理解,且都有被當作代罪羔羊的經驗。參與檢討機制過程中,常遭受質疑,只能無奈配合參與。多以自我心境轉換、認同檢討機制的方式,來緩解壓力及創傷。除了共通性經驗外,也有勇於面對個案死亡,以及遭遇職場暴力、創傷崩熬的正、負向經驗。 三、兒少保社工參與檢討機制所需要的協助 整體政府部門對於社工專業的應更加尊重,提供充分的支持與鼓勵,避免過度迎合社會大眾及媒體。在檢討的過程中,應避免媒體、其他網絡單位對社工造成的職場暴力。在面對重大兒少虐待事件檢討機制時,也需要降低案件量、補充人力共同分擔工作,才能讓兒少保社工專注面對檢討機制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explore the system of child abuse serious cases review of Taiwan. From the child protection social workers’ perspectives, the status of implementation of the serious cases review can be understood. Through this study, we can also exposing the situations and needs of the child protection social workers, and how they go through the process of the serious cases review. Most importantly, we also gather child protection social workers’ views on the system, in order to improve the better practice on the system of the serious cases review in Taiwan. Moreover, it is time to advocate the professional status and value of the child protection social worker. Seven child protection social workers participated in this study, summarized the results as follows: 1.The review system is able to promote network inter-disciplinary coordination, increase the quality of child protection services. But there is deviation from the original intent of the current system, and it also blames the problem on the individual, and trouble focusing on the reasons for the occurrence of the serious cases. And it is showed that, this case review system is not recognized by the social workers. 2.The social workers are not familiar with this mechanism. In the professional team, the social workers seem often to be the role of "scapegoat". When the social workers participate the meetings of the serious cases review, the public, media and other professionals often blame them. The social workers can only use self-comfort, reluctantly accepted way to mitigate their pressure and psychological trauma. The social workers are not only to have a positive experience of facing the challenges, but also have a negative experience with “burnout” related. 3.The social workers assume that the governmental authority should pay more respect to the social work profession, and need to provide the adequate support. The governments should work hard to reduce the misunderstanding the work of child protection from the public and the media. The social workers also suggest to reduce the caseloads and extra support when they focus on the responses of the serious cases review.en_US
dc.subjectchild protection social workersen_US
dc.subjectchild abuseen_US
dc.subjectserious cases reviewen_US
dc.titleResearch on the System of Child Abuse Serious Cases Review:From the Child Protection Social Workers’ Perspectives.en_US

